Perhaps you’re enjoying your midwinter recess at the slopes of your favorite ski resort this February 2015.
If you’re not so lucky then you’re might busy with home work, test preparation or the upcoming finals. In some schools the spring term has already begun and you’re head-on into the new term. If that is your situation, might I remind you that our professional calculus, science and psychology tutors stand ready to help you.
If you’re a parent and noticed your school-aged son has fallen behind in reading or language arts, then check out our English tutors.
Or perhaps your daughter doesn’t understand how to solve the quadratic equation. Be sure to check out our algebra tutors.
Whatever you educational situation might be we at TutorZ wish you highest academic success this February 2015.
Best Mid-Winter Tutors

Bradley McCoy AA D.


Mr. Kenneth O.

Dr. Zareh D.
Best Value Guarantee! Easy match with qualified and trusted tutors at no charge.

The word “gymnasium” comes from the Greek word “gymnos”, which literally means “naked”. Athletes competed nude, a practice said to encourage aesthetic appreciation of the male body and a tribute to the gods. continue reading ?

The TV series “Breaking Bad” showed a desperate and ill high school chemistry teacher turning to manufacturing crystal meth as a means to supplement health care costs and provide for his family. It was such a crazy premise that it worked very well. The show was a hit and more students are interested in chemistry than ever before. continue reading ?

Share these five facts with your loved one(s) tonight over the dinner table and be sure to receive additional points from him or her. Why? By telling them some anecdotes about Valentine’s day you let’s them know how prepared you’re for this event and thus care about him or her. continue reading ?
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How to be a Good Tutor
Tip #1 – Be Fun – no body likes a strict tutor.
Tip #2 – Give Them Breaks – no longer than 5 minutes.
Tip #3 – Don’t make them do work that’s too hard.
Tip #4 – Be fair. Don’t yell at them if they make a mistake.
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What a Great Service“What a great service. I know a lot of parents who do not know about you but would like to. I will spread the word for you.”
Rosalyn, Potsdam, NY.
“A Child Learning to Walk Falls a Thousand Times”
Quote by Indian Guru – As a child learning to walk falls a thousand times before she can stand, and after that falls again and again until at last she can walk, so are we as little children before God.
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