Found 4 Slovak tutors.

Radomir S.

East Palatka 32131 · $25/hour · teaches French - German - Spanish - Italian - Russian

I am fluent in Czech, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovak, and Russian an am able to teach from English or any of these languages to any of the others in speech, writing, or reading.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ludka K.

Los Altos 94022 · $90/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - American History - Grammar - French -

In Slovakia, I graduated from a demanding bilingual, Franco-Slovak high school, which helped me to still be proficient in middle and high school English and Math, as well as other subjects.

 is a certified tutor certified
Christina M.

Lakewood 98499 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - German - Reading - Writing - Russian

The nineteen years I spent living in Poland and Slovakia have allowed me to perfect my Polish and Slovak (both at C2 level). I have taught Polish at the University of Washington and the Polish Cultural Center...

 is a certified tutor certified
Roberta H.

Dayton 37321 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar - Prealgebra -

There, I worked with students from a variety of nationalities: Swiss, Swedish, British, South African, Slovak, Dutch and others. We also had a number of special education situations, so I am very familiar with...

 is a certified tutor certified