Today we continue to familiarize our readers with peculiarities of the online tutoring. In order to be objective it is necessary to overview also problems associated with that educational approach. So let us add some criticism to the ideal conception of the online tutoring which was represented in our previous issue. Unfortunately online education also has some weak points. The main of them:
– tutors and students must be familiar with the modern technologies, which sometimes can be a problem for people of older generation or for those who live in technologically retarded areas;
– additional equipment (computer and multi-media devices) and software are needed and besides it’s necessary to have usable interface andtechnical support to maintain both the hardware and the software sides;
– cultural communication difficulties between remote tutors and learners;
– located far away tutor can be not aware of the standard content of the study program on the subject taught in schools/universities in learner’s location. As a result materials covered may differ from the state’s program;
– Internet connection is not reliable in some distant areas which can make organizing an online tutoring course difficult;
– nonverbal signs (facial expressions, body movements and eye contact) are less presented in online education but they are also essential for the tutoring process. Both a tutor and a student may need experience to get used to this;
– lower pricing of the online lessons is not only a benefit because it makes online tutoring less attractive for tutors in financial aspect;
– there are some ways of cheating for learners if there is no visual contact with the tutor.
However all these difficulties have solutions. For example, spacial trainings and webinars help tutors, learners and parents to get accustomed to informational technologies needed for successful establishing of the online sessions. Additional software is not always necessary. Companies which serve online tutoring often apply web conferencing systems which allow tutors and students to deal directly via browser without installing any appliances into their PC. Special feature of these systems is an interactive whiteboard – an area on a display screen common to several users on which they can write formulas and draw graphics. Problems with bed Internet connection and low prices for online tutoring will gradually disappear with the development of the online tutoring and general technological progress all over the world. And finally some control from the side of parents will prevent any opportunities for cheating
As any other forms of education, online tutoring has it’s pros and cons but rapid development of present-day world forces us to look for the quickest and the cheapest ways of knowledge acquisition. Online tutoring is one of the best tools which successfully helps to solve this vital problem of the modern life.