Self-learning or Private Tutor – It is Your Choice

Intellect is the main gift which the humankind received from the Nature. Intelligence differentiates us from the animals and only thanks to our brains we have all facilities and privileges of the modern life.

Unfortunately the brain activity decreases when we get older and this can even result in early dotage. It happens because the connections between the neurons in your brain can be lost if you don’t use them. The only way to avoid this is to keep the healthy life-style and to train your mind. So every person who appreciate this priceless ability to be an intellectual creature must train the brains.

Of course the most evident solution is self-learning. Unfortunately another distinctive feature of all human beings is laziness. They even say that the main engine of progress is laziness. How many times have we promised to ourselves to start learning something (new language or any other subject) from next Monday? But this Monday never comes. Sometimes we can even buy teach-yourself books and leave them to rest on the bookshelves forever.

So actually the most of us need a mentor who pushes us to go forth towards the new knowledge, which can show us the right way… and sometimes a short cut or detour. That is why the most persistent individuals get educational qualifications one by one during all their lives. But this solution won’t do for everybody. First of all the educational institutions can offer only general unified approach to the teaching process. When we learn in group of several students the teacher has to define the average level for all of them and can’t take into account interests, desires, peculiarities and abilities of each student. Besides most of adult people simply have no time to go to university every day. They have to do to work, to bring up children, to do housekeeping and so on. Very often our thirst for knowledge dies under the weight of the daily routine.

So what shell we do if can’t find a way to new knowledge by ourselves? Fortunately there are some forces which can help us. Internet where we spend so much time contains the solution also for this situation. We at offer a wide database of tutors in any subject and in any region within the U.S. You can choose a tutor when you sitting in front of your computer on the basis of any factors which are vital for you and inevitable to make learning effective and comfortable. Somebody prefer to be taught by sophisticated gray-haired professor, for another one it’s easier to deal with a young mentor who has left the university recently and still remembers all the difficulties of learning. But the main benefit is that only the private tutor can find the individual approach to each student.

You can study early in the morning or late in the evening or even during your lunch time depending on your work schedule. The intensity of learning also depends only on your personal abilities and you don’t need to catch up with smart alecks (brainiacs) or wait for backwards. If you become sick or go on holidays you don’t have to learn the missed material by yourself. For the most busy or reserved individuals it’s even possible to be taught on-line. The list of benefits can is interminable (endless). The main idea is that our brains are our treasure and we have to take care of them. There is always a way to improve ourselves and we just have to open eyes and see it right in front of us… on the computer screen.

Dariya Lopukhina

About Dariya Lopukhina

Dariya Lopukhina is former Marketing Director at She is trying her hand in writing articles. Besides Dariya is an experienced dog-owner and she is very keen on pets, cooking and sports.
This entry was posted in Tutoring.

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