Summer vacation is not only a time for fun, recreation and entertainment. It is also a perfect opportunity to catch up on the study material missed during last year, consolidate achieved knowledge and get ready for new school year. However, learning over the summer can present difficulties. It is only an illusion that there is plenty of time for tutoring during the holidays. In fact it is extremely difficult to make a young student to write an essay or to solve quadratic equations instead of going for a bike ride with friends or playing computer games.
There are some suggestions that can help you to make the learning over the summer effective and at the same time not too annoying for a child.
1. Establish routine. This is the most important criterion. The lessons must take place every day or at least 2 or 3 times a week. If a break between two sessions is too long a student may lose what has been learned during past lessons.
2. Importance. A lesson must become a necessary part of everyday life. Make a child believe that a tutoring session (even a short one) is as inevitable as breakfast or a good night’s sleep.
3. Morning is the best time for studying. In the morning a child is fresh and energetic but has not been distracted by playing games or chatting with friends yet. The perspective of having good time after a lesson is a wonderful reason to work hard.
4. Timing. Try to define the optimal duration of the lessons. The sessions must not be too long as keeping a child’s focus on a tutored subject is limited. Besides you can release your student 15 minutes earlier as a reward for diligence or to keep him longer for lack of effort.
5. Set clear goals. Explain to a child what he/she is studing for now and the general importance of being successful at school and achieving good grades. Of course, very few young people are willing to give up entertainment for study, study even if they are aware of the consequences. So support the educational goals with some material incentives, such as a new bike or an overnight hike with friends after completing each educational stage.
6. Professional help. Unfortunately not all parents are natural teachers and not all of them have enough time and patience for everyday lessons with their children. There are numerous announcements about summer courses in the Internet. also offers a wide range of qualified private tutors available during summer.
However, adults must plan children’s time thoughtfully. Do not deprive a child of a summer rest and a fun with friends. Remember – it is not possible to solve all educational problems during one summer and the main goal of vacation is to recharge their batteries for new study challenges that lie ahead at school.