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April and May were the best months in all history of TutorZ.com. We matched over 500 student-tutor happy pairs. A great number of new professional tutors joined us. There are more than 40,000 active tutors listed on our site, in nearly all US states and cities in over 500 subjects from algebra over chemistry to English.
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Nicole – Orlando, FL
Teaches: English, Essay, Math, Mass Communication, Public Relations, Proofreading, Theology
“I love working with kids as well as adults; I believe that everyone can succeed and do well in whatever they need help with.”
Apurva – Tempe, AZ
Teaches: Math, GRE, SAT, Statistics, Calculus, Numerical Analysis
“I am specifically focused to tutor for High school maths which includes algebra, calculus, trigonometry, geometry, etc. and GRE maths, SAT maths on the whole.”
Crystal – Walled Lake, MI
Teaches: ACT, English, Writing, Essey, Literature, Reading, Sociology
“I am a freelance writer and I can do a variety of writing assignments for anyone, from poetry to obituaries to business proposals.”
Stuart – Canoga Park, CA
Teaches: Math, Algebra, Vector Calculus, Statistics, Differential Equations, SAT, SEO
“Teaching mathematic subjects should be brought to a level that shows the student how it will be an important part of their future career, regardless of career choice.”
Anastasia – Wesley Chapel, FL
Teaches: Accounting, Economics, Business, Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Communication Skills, Taxes, Time Management
“My math education philosophy is based on the belief that all students can learn and excel at math.”
Sunny – New York, NY
Teaches: Chinese, Mandarin
“As a Chinese, I’d like to do my best to teach Chinese to you and you’re welcome to China to travel, build your career or run your business. My students come from all over the world. Their ages and complexions are different, but they all enjoy my Chinese class.”
Bruce – Brentwood, NY
Teaches: Math, Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Programming, Information Systems, Algorithms, Web Site Development
“I focus on understanding of concepts and developing the student’s ability to solve problems rather than tedious drill and memorization.”
Read with TutorZ – Best Articles from our Blog
The series of articles about remarkable educational US cities continues with:
Madison, WI – Madison was named for James Madison, the 4th President of the U.S. and was selected as a capital of Wisconsin Territory when it was still only a city on paper. Today it is a thriving metropolis and the Most Educated City in America. The University of Wisconsin–Madison was the first university established in Wisconsin and now it is one of the largest public universities in the US.
Plano, TX – Plano is a prosperous northern suburb of Dallas and a thriving financial, commercial and educational center. Several times Plano was designated as the wealthiest city and as one of the best places to live in the United States, the city also won The All-America City Award. In addition to being one of the most affluent city in the US Plano is also one of the best places in terms of educational opportunities. It is the second America’s Most Educated City in recent Men’s Health rating.
Burlington, VT – Burlington is Vermont’s business, financial, educational, medical and cultural center. Over 40% of Burlington’s residents have Bachelor’s or higher degree. The education system in Burlington is aimed at providing lifelong learning opportunities for all residents. Burlington is home to several institutions of higher education, including the University of Vermont, Champlain College, Burlington College, Burlington Technical Center, Woodbury Institute at Champlain College.
Honolulu, HI – Honolulu is the capital and the heart of Hawaii, the most recent and the most beautiful of the US states. Hawaii is an extremely remarkable place in terms of education. Its public school system is the oldest one west of the Mississippi. It was established by Hawaii’s great monarch, King Kamehameha III in 1840 and since then the history of a common education system for Hawaii’s children started.
You may also enjoy our articles on some general tutoring topics:
How to Help Your Child to Pass a Test: While children are struggling to find their way on the thorny path of education, it is parent’s task to help them to succeed in this hard work. Of course many things could change since today’s mothers and fathers studied at school or in the university but the main concepts are still the same. There are some kinds of support each parents are able to provide
How to Awake Child’s Interest in Study: It is vitally important for parents from the very beginning to make study as exciting and interesting as possible and to waken and support child’s interest in gaining new knowledge and education. It is not that difficult, here are some tips that can help to urge the cognition of a young student.
How to Find a Good Private Tutor for a Child: A private tutor can provide for substantial learning support and improve the study results of your child or can just waste your time and money. Our tips can help to choose a private tutor who can find an individual approach to your kid.
How to Use the Internet for Study: The Internet offer endless opportunities for acceleration of a child’s learning and development. It allows to find study materials very quickly, to be well up on recent scientific and educational events and researches. School and college tutors must teach juniors to use the Internet in a right way not just for games and entertainment.
How to Solve Some Study Problems during summer: Summer holidays is a perfect time to catch up with some study material missed during last year, consolidate achieved knowledge and get ready for new school year. However, learning over the summer is associated with many difficulties.
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