Wedding Bells Ring for Tutors Too

Recently, TutorZ’ director of marketing — Dariya Lopukhina — entered the bonds of matrimony. Her handsome husband Andrey is a good friend of too. That’s why I’d like to take this opportunity and congratulate both; wishing them great happiness, joy and a love that never ends.

Dariya’s and Andrey’s wedding was a very joyous, fun and sophisticated event:  Guests conversed in many languages; enjoyed gourmet food and reveled in the fun and entertainment.   It’s surprising how broad and deep the amount of knowledge had to be in order to make the young couple’s wedding a success.  So, let’s take a closer look at it:

The young couple dazzled their guests with a rich and delicious wedding menu of many courses, fine wines, rare champagnes and an exquisite wedding cake.  Without any doubt, many gifted chefs toiled in the kitchen to bring this feast together.  But how were the chefs, waiters, and bakers trained to yield such results?  Most likely through many years of schooling and perhaps through the help of a good mentor or tutor.  Now I can close the loop:  Whether you like to prepare your own wedding, make cooking or baking your dream job or just learn these skills for the fun of it, TutorZ can be your mentor:  Find tutors for cooking or baking.

The wedding feast was interspersed with games and entertainment.   In one of the games one had to guess the name of the movie based on a few seconds of music.  Da da dahhh da … “Star Wars“.  Or Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” which signifies the movie “Titanic”. Certainly, creating these memorable songs are left to a very few gifted song writers and vocalists, but, if you’re looking to perform in your own rock band or seek a career in the arts of entertainment, TutorZ is there to help.

As for most weddings, the first dance belongs to the newlywed couple.  For Dariya and Andrey it was a romantic soft rock dance that started off the action on the dance floor . Other couples might prefer a classic waltz, spirited tango or romantic salsa.  If you are like most of us and cannot remember the steps from your previous dancing experiences, then I might suggest private dancing lessons.

Dariya was dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress and Andrey in dark grey needle-stitched suite.  While Dariya and Andrey choose to purchase their wedding gown from fine commercial outlets, some people decide to sew their own attire. (sewingknitting)

In each wedding one converses a lot.  It’s easy for most of us, and quite natural. But what if your neighbor is from abroad?  So it happened to me that my neighbor across the table was Russian.  Thankfully, in school I studied Russian for 3 years, and thus pleased my neighbor (and myself) by striking up a conversation.  Granted, it was about simple things like the food and the beautiful bride and handsome groom.  But had I taken advantage of the many Russian tutors, I might have been able to ask about her interests and future plans.  And what if my neighbor was Hispanic, or Thai or Chinese?  Well, next time…

Married life presents it own unique challenges.  Couples need to decide how to spend their hard earned money, to move to a different town when or even whether to have kids and how many.  Decisions like these have consequences and are often not easy to make.  This is when a life coach can be of great help.

Returning to the jolly newly weds, congratulations to Dariya and Andrey.
May you two always comfort one another with a smile.
Always be together through both laughter and the tears.
Depending on each other.
Loving happily ever after.
Best Wishes

Dirk Wagner

About Dirk Wagner

Dirk Wagner is owner of Tutorz LLC. He holds a M.S. degree in computer science and has 8 years of experience as software engineer and researcher. Dirk has tutored math and computer science to dozens of students in Southern California. You can find him on Google+, youtube, facebook, twitter, tumblr, quora and pinterest.
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