With this article I like to welcome Lilly Kuleshova as our newest member of the TutorZ team. She works with Dariya in Marketing. Having worked in hoteling, retail and logistic, learning and growing is an important part of Lilly’s philosophy. She is thrilled to make a difference in education now. Lilly has a BA degree in business management.
Similar to Dariya, Lilly enjoys cooking, sports and pets in her spare time. In addition she like to travel to exotic place such as Dubai and Goa.
This article is also to celebrate Lilly’s birthday – which we celebrated on Dec. 8th. We decorated the office, listened to rock music and enjoyed tasty beverages including (pssst.) mojitos. The food was heavenly delicious.
Lilly — I wish you a very Happy and warm Birthday. Your friendship has touched all of us. May you get all you desire. With a new year of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities and greater success. You are an amazing friend, one with a huge heart. Thanks and wishing you a very sweet birthday.
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