Some people tend to believe that they have little aptitude for languages. But this may not be so true – we all have quite similar abilities. The truth is learning languages is all about attitude and will!
Let’s start analyzing what is language? Any language is just tool to express, a way of encoding our thoughts. Different languages — are different ways to encode thoughts. Our brains are used to replace meanings of things and actions, while we grow, and storage them. While the brain’s primary function is to store information, it’s also must forget things. In fact, according to some neuro scientists, the brain’s main function is the ability to forget, not to remember. When starting to learn a new language — many of the newly memorized names are starting to erase, making our learning more difficult. Our native language has a priority in our brain, which is why we can start to forget what we have learnt.
How can we help our brains to remember what we to remember when studying a foreign language?
First of all, it helps to understand that specific, school-type tasks are not so effective:
read and retell the text, memorize dialogs, write a review… So useless for absorbing
a language. Rule number one: do only effective and pleasant tasks, learning should
be enjoyable and should not cause much difficulty. Any forced action provokes only
negative feelings, which are not good for the learning. For example — listen to your
favorite song; search for a translation of its words and you will understand its meaning.
And singing it frequently makes you practice this new language — making your
vocabulary grow. My personal experience for successful learning — is finding a hobby
and start learning terms and phrases that have to do with it. I adore cooking, so I search
for the videos with subtitles and I associate words I read with food and processes I see.
Each person perceives the world in his/her own way. Therefore, to understand better
any foreign language, you must understand the mindset of the people, for whom this
language is native. Just knowing a huge heap of foreign words will not help you speak.
Rule number 2: learning must go deeper, reaching and getting interest in the history,
customs and traditions of the people — for whom this language is native.
It is a good idea to go to a country where the studied language is spoken, to dive into
the actual environment. However, in practice, it does not give any guarantee that you will
quickly and naturally speak in a foreign language. Why?
The first reason — lack of proper communication with native speakers. If you are
traveling as a tourist, you will be speaking mostly with your guide or companions. If
you come as part of a student group, then, as a rule, most of the time you will be talking
each one with other. Because it’s easier. Man is so constituted that he always tries to
follow the line of least resistance. Rule number 3: Try to go on your own. Dare the risk!
If that feels too intimidating, keep your cell phone with the number of a translator handy.
The second reason – the difficulty to establish close contacts with foreign friends. You
are a stranger for them – deal with it! Just not give up, act confident and respectful, do
not get shy when you are talking with some mistakes. And always keep the distance.
The third reason. Native speakers do not know their language. Sounds funny, but it’s
true. Pay attention to themselves. They cannot correctly answer the meaning, and
explain some words. Once in Ecuador, I saw a huge strike – some taxis blocked the
main streets. Ecuadorians called that “Páro” – I tried to make my friends explain me
what does “Paro” means… they could not.
Thus, the success of learning a foreign language abroad depends on your personal
qualities. How quickly and easily you can start contacts and well-established
relationship with other people? I can say that the main factor is motivation. Realize your
personal need for foreign language skills, apply regular efforts, be patient, and you will
always succeed.
It is desirable in learning a foreign language, to minimize the use of their mother
tongue. This will accelerate the overcome of language barrier. And most importantly,
the learning process should be fun. Do not be upset if something does not work right
away. Focus on your objective, on your language success. Believe in yourself, and the
results will come faster than you think.
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