Maybe Social Media Is Actually Making Kids Smarter?

This is a response to all those critics out there who claim social networking makes our kids less smart. I argue the opposite is true. Technology makes kids smarter to the point of ushering an era of hyper-literacy!

From 1986 to 2006, the average length of freshman composition papers increased from 422 words to 1038, and they were substantially more complex, with the majority consisting of a “researched argument or report, with the student taking a point of view and marshaling evidence to support it”, a Stanford professor stated.

Nowadays our children relish the thought of commenting posts and expressing their true opinions. There is no more need to look for motivation to make youngsters write and think. Social media has become a driving force encouraging young people to develop intellectually.

Also, it is a fact that typing easier than writing.  Humans are getting more quickly tired of writing by hand then typing.

Facebook is also known for its ability to edit comments.  This feature reduces the likelihood that a man will leave comments with grammatical mistakes.  After all, no one wants to seem stupid in front of friends.

Lilly Kuleshova

About Lilly Kuleshova

Having worked in hoteling, retail and logistic, learning and growing is an important part of Lilly's philosophy. She is thrilled to make a difference in education now. Lilly has a BA degree in business management. Lilly enjoys cooking, sports and pets in her spare time. In addition she like to travel to exotic place such as Dubai, Goa and Turkey. You can find her on Google+.
This entry was posted in Tutoring.

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