December 6th is commonly known as Saint Nicholas day. Saint Nicholas is commemorated and revered by Christians around the world and by children in in the Western hemisphere because that’s the day when the good St. Nicholas fills the stockings with candy.
This year, 2013 we will remember his day because that’s when Google updated its toolbar PageRank value. And unexpectedly, got its PageRank upgraded from 3 to 4.
Google’s PageRank value is of great importance to Internet. It is a score by which Google quantitatively ranks the authority or importance of each web page. PageRank’s possible values range from 0 to 10. By a value of zero and one Google acknowledges the existence of a page but thinks it’s pretty much worthless. If a page ranks 2 or 3 then it has “arrived” in the Internet, congratulations! At 4 and 5 the pages constitute a brand, something that takes a lot of work. At 6 and 7 one is a well know brand like Coca-Cola or MdDonald’s. Higher ranks (8 and 9) are left to brands of highest reputation, such as CNN or Facebook. now ranks at a PR 4 – constituting a brand in the Internet. Becoming a PR 4 brand is no accident. All TutorZ employees put a lot of effort into making this happen. Specifically, we increased the downloading time of our pages to be little more than 1 second, which is better than 95% of all other pages on the Internet. Next, our frequent and interesting posts on our blog, facebook, google+, youtube channel, tumblr, pinterest and twitter are noted by Google and our students and tutors. Moreover, we used the webmaster tools to tell Goolge how to iterate over our search, what our product pages are (tutor profiles) and about our new rating and review feature.
The sum of this work coalesced into the higher page rank 4.
Thank you Google; Thank you Saint Nicholas.
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