On Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 TutorZ rolled out a feature that empowers tutors to request reviews and ratings from students who have been tutored by them. Ratings and reviews boost the credibility of your tutoring profile and influences your prospective students to select you over other competing tutors.
How do you request a review from the student? The short answer is by simply clicking the red “Request a Review” button of the student you have been tutoring. A more detailed answer is given as an example below.
Tutor Dirk Wagner has been tutoring the PHP programming language to student Leah F. in Carmarillo, CA. Asking Leah to give a review about Dirk executes the following steps:
1. Dirk logs into his TutorZ account at https://www.tutorz.com/login.
2. On his account’s dashboard Dirk clicks on the link labeled “inbox” to view all tutoring jobs.
3. Having found Leah’s tutoring job on the list, Dirk opens the detailed view. The picture below shows this detailed view.
4. To ask Leah to provide a review, Dirk clicks on the red “Request a Review” button. The following snippet appears on Dirk’s detailed job view:
At this point Dirk has the chance to personalize his email to Leah. Dirk might need to change the name of the student when parents are involved. Or perhaps the subject different when – for example – Dirk ended up tutoring HTML5 instead of PHP. In any case, to edit the email Dirk simply moves his mouse into the subject, message or thank you fields, updates the text according to his preferences and finishes his work by clicking “Send Request”.
Dirk has completed his work. The ball is now in Leah’s court to provide the requested review.
What happens on Leah’s end is the following: she has received an email message from TutorZ asking her to give Dirk a review. The next picture displays this email message.
If Leah is willing to follow up on Dirk’s request she clicks on the “Review Dirk” button found in the body of the email. This click would re-direct Leah to TutorZ’ review page and is shown in this picture below.
This review page contains a text area where Leah enters the review about Dirk. In addition, Leah can also rate Dirk using the standard 5-star rating system. Let’s say Leah thinks Dirk deserves 4 stars for his tutoring work. She accomplishes a 4 star rating by hovering her mouse over the 4th star and presses the left mouse button. As her final step Leah clicks the “Submit Review” button on the bottom of the page. Now Leah’s review appears on tutor Dirk’s profile page.
Because Dirk will be delighted to know he has received a new review the TutorZ system sends a notification email to Dirk’s email account.
This completes the process of initiating and providing ratings and reviews on a tutor’s request.
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