TutorZ owns a trademark on its logo issued by the Unites States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). To be exact it is service mark. Service marks differ from trademarks as they are used on the advertising of the service rather than on the packaging or delivery of the service, since there is generally no “package” to place the mark on. The mark was issued in 2008. Here is our trademark:
Patent and trademark laws require a renewal after 5 years. We started this process in 2013.
The renewal process was perhaps hardener than the initial trademark application. We made technical mistakes such as changing the owner of the trade mark from TutorZ to Dirk Wagner – the owner of TutorZ LLC. This required a re-submission of the renewal request. Each mistake costs another $100 in fees to the USPTO.
Eventually, we found it easier to get legal help from the trademark experts Lee & Associated in Ann Arbor, MI. Jason Lee was very professional, fast and supportive to work with. Thank you Jason!
Very disconcerting was the fact that the USPTO initially rejected the renewal saying we cannot obtain a trademark on the word “TutorZ” because the word is too close to the natural word “tutor” . That’s an understandable objection or else people might get a trademark on all English words and force us to charge every time we use this word.
In any case the way out of the natural word problem is to describe the service mark and embellish it with style and symbols. The USPTO and TutorZ came up with the following description:
The mark consists of a teacher (first T) icon and student (smaller T) embedded in the letters of the brand name “Tutorz” (pronounced Tutor-zee); the filled circles above the letters “T” represent stylized heads, the horizontal top part of the the letters “T” with the hanging end-marks represent a student’s arms and hands, the vertical part of the letter “T” represents her body; The teacher’s color is a golden yellow with black drop shadow; the student’s color is a crimson red with black drop shadow; the remaining letters “u”, “o”, “r”, and “z” are colored and filled crimson red as well. The teacher’s color is a golden yellow with black drop shadow; the student’s color is a crimson red with black drop shadow; the remaining letters “u”, “o”,”r”, and “z” are colored and filled crimson red as well.
TutorZ’ ownership of the trademark is public record and its USPTO status can be verify. Here is the USPTO Notice of Acceptance.
Congratulations to TutorZ! Another 10 Years of proud trademark ownership!
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