My Mother Is My Guide Through Life

In these days before Mother’s Day I realized that my Mother has been my guide through life!

That was she, who brought me to an amateur theater, which has caused all my further tastes, earth-shattering events and acquaintances with awe-inspiring people. That was she, who sent me to such a good school and was seeking for the best tutors, when I needed. That was she, who always knew how to cure me and give a hand.

Now, when I am already adult, I am much more naughty, than it used to be in my childhood. We have much more misunderstanding, than earlier. I often do not appreciate her care enough and do not pay attention to her pieces of advice. However, she is still the same close and to me and adorable, as when I was five.

Sometimes people wonder what are the most incredible and close to my heart places I have ever been to. There is one astonishing thing about all of them.

I would like to use this opportunity congratulate my dear Mummy for Mother’s day with this beautiful poem by Janette Fisher.

A Mother’s Gift

From the very first time, you hold your child
Their first gift is your heart forever,
The love you give and they return
Is the bond that will hold you together

Throughout their life, your love will be
A light that guides their way
The beacon aglow in the darkness
Should they ever go astray

Your love will give them courage
When the way ahead is unclear
And will give them strength, when needed
To help overcome their fears

Your love will accept them for who they are
Whatever they say or do,
Your love will forgive unreservedly
Because they are a part of you

It’s a love that will know no barriers
Have no bounds, no expectations
Your love will be unconditional,
Pure, with no complications

A love that remains as constant
As the stars in the heaven above
A gift no money on earth can buy,
The gift of a mother’s love.

Below you see a picture of my younger self and my Mummy.


Our TutorZ team wishes you lots of love, health, strength, adventures and wonders! Be as wonderful and tender, as spring flowers! Smile sunny and sink in embraces, while we are ready to help you! We are working to give you a professional support in bringing up the smartest children in the world!

Anastasia also on behalf of Maya an Lilly – the glorious women at TutorZ!

Anastasia Omelchenko

About Anastasia Omelchenko

Anastasia holds a Bachelor Degree in English philology (English language and literature). She works at TutorZ as writer and customer service specialist. Among her hobbies are theater acting and travelling. Visit Anastasia at Facebook or Google+
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