Star tutor and freelance academic educator Monir Tsazan provided TutorZ with a very positive and constructive testimonial about her experience working with us for the past 8 years.
I’m proud to announce that I have been enthusiastically working as an educator/tutor with TutorZ for the past 8 years. TutorZ has helped me provide a broad and successful tutoring and education platform service for my students in my area (Fremont, CA) and many other areas (online).
I have been one of the early subscribers as a tutor/educator with TutorZ website.
I highly recommend TutorZ if you are thinking of providing a successful tutoring/educating service. This past 8 years has been a great, positive and successful experience for me and my tutoring service. I was able to grow and expand my tutoring and educating service and plus teaching network through the TutorZ website.It has been one of the highly reliable and trustworthy tutoring/educating website that I can refer to. I believe in Tutorz and enjoy working with it.
Thanks you Dirk and his great team for creating this wonderful solid network which connects tutors/educators to students across the nation.
I will continue to grow and expand my constructive, and successful educating service using the TutorZ website.
Join TutorZ as a Tutor. You will see good results!!
~~Monir, Fremont, CA
Thank you Monir for such a kind and generous review! It is because of tutors like you that we enjoy our work of matching students with tutors so much. Together we make a big difference in the educational lives of our students.
Monir, you make us proud!
Dirk Wagner
Founder of TutorZ LLC
2 Responses to Star Tutor Monir Highly Recommends TutorZ