The summer time is greeting you! While some students are still swamped with finals others already head to the beaches, hiking trails or airports.
Yes, the summer time is there for adventure, fun and relaxation. But it is also a chance to catch up on missed courses or prepare for the back-to-school season in fall. Whatever your studying situation might be you probably benefit from hiring one of our excellent summer-time tutors.
If you’re a parent and wished your kids to cooperate better this summer, read May’s 8 Tips to Get Your Kids to Cooperate.
Or perhaps your kids asks a million questions on 5 different subjects within 5 minutes? Check out May’s 9 Signs of ADHD.
Super Summer Tutors

Monir T.

Melissa O.

Dr. Bibin J.

Mr. Bosko C.
Best Value Guarantee! Easy match with qualified and trusted tutors at no charge.

Be an example. As with other skills, kids are constantly watching and learning from us. So, make sure that you are actively showing them how to cooperate with other people. continue reading ?

Does your kid disrupt everyone around him with sudden outburst of laughter for no apparent reason? Does your kid ask a million questions on different subjects within 5 minutes? He probably is ADHD. continue reading ?

Scientific research says you’ll get much more out of classes when you are taking notes by hand instead of using your laptop. continue reading ?
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Learning to Sail – How to Tack
TutorZ’ very own Dirk Wagner shows how to tack a sailing boat. You might try sailing and tacking when you’re at the lake or the sea shore this summer. Watch this Video ?
Star Tutor Monir Highly Recommends TutorZ“This past 8 years with TutorZ has been a great, positive and successful experience for me.”
Monir Tsazan, Fremont, CA.
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
Quote by Jim Rohn – was an American entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker and life philosopher.
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