10 New Year`s Resolutions for College Students

Happy New Year to everyone! If you’re a college student, this article will give you some ideas to help you make your New Year’s resolutions. We hope this year will be more productive, positive, successful and enjoyable for you.


New year brings great hopes for change and growth. It presents the perfect time to set new goals. Check out this list of New Year’s resolutions for students and make your own variations:

– Stop procrastinating. Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines. Try to finish your papers at least one day in advance.

– Raise your activity levels, join the campus gym or a university sports club. Physical exercise is not just crucial for maintaining a healthy body, but is also good for your brain when done on a regular basis.

– Find a mentor. It can be your tutor, sports coach, teacher, or even an elderly neighbor. It’s a great chance to learn from someone who has more knowledge and experience.

– Make a study plan. Believe me it is much more effective way of learning. It will lead to better results, reduce the level of stress. And what is important, you will achieve more without feeling drained.

– Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. If you get less than that, your body will feel the stress of fatigue. Having enough sleep keeps your body and mind exceptionally healthy.

– Reduce social media time. Instagram is having a major impact on our productivity. Switch it off when studying and you will fell the difference.

– Join more student clubs or organizations to expand your social circle. You’ll get to know like-minded people with similar interests and it can also look great on you resume.

– Live within your student budget. Don’t use a credit card for things you want. Use it only for things you need.

– Challenge yourself a little to try something totally new at least once a month.

– Try to limit the number of TV shows and movies you watch. Try to read more instead. Reading is never a waste of time.

No one can go back in time to change what has happened, we can only work on our present to make yourself a wonderful future!

Maya Kacharava

About Maya Kacharava

May has graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. She holds a master's degree in business administration. May worked as a teacher for MCCA for several years. She taught students management, marketing, statistics and other business-related subjects. In her free time May enjoys reading, traveling, sports, meeting people, midnight strolls... Always learning. This is May's Facebook profile
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