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11 Curious Facts about the World`s Most Beautiful Libraries

11 Curious Facts about the World`s Most Beautiful Libraries

Since Medieval historical period libraries have been the holy places of knowledge and science. The visitors were not just grass-roots, but the representatives of the top-drawer. They could read and examine a lot of highly intellectual publications.


Despite the fact the libraries were the buildings aimed for personal development and education; they considered as the works of art. If we studied book rooms from the design and architectural perspective, we would say that they impressed by their refinement and splendor. Such book repositories could combine various architectural styles; contain gorgeous murals and grand lightning systems. There are a lot of imposing and unique athenaeums all over the world. Each of them has exclusive сollections of books and its history of origin.

Here is the top list of interesting facts about the beautiful libraries:

1. Swiss Abbey Library of St. Gallen. This library is designed in the style of Rococo. It encompasses approximately two hundred thousand of published texts from the late 8th century. It is preserved as a heritage of the country.

2. National Library of Austria. It is the most remarkable book repository with more than seven million textbooks. Moreover, the gorgeous sculptures of Lorenzo Mattielli and Daniel Gran’s murals are signature image of the library.

3. Spanish Library of El Escorial. Initially the establishment was the residence of the Spanish King. Phillip II created the library within this building and added the majority of texts. Here we can see ceilings decorated with murals. Each fresco shows one of seven liberal arts.

4. Irish Trinity College Library. Its collection contains an outstanding manuscript Book of Kells which has its origin in 800 year. The library has Legal Deposit privilege and has many text copies of England.

5. Codrington Library in England. The two hundred thousand items of the collection are mostly specific in Law, History and Classics. It is open not only for members and scientists of Oxford University but for scientists all over the world. At the end of the 20th century the athenaeum had a great upgrade that provided visitors with electronic working stations.

6. The National Library of France. The largest addition to its collection was made during the French Revolution (it was broaden to three hundred thousand items). But the current amount is totally impressive and has thirteen million periodiсals. Moreover, there are numerous сollections of medals and paintings.

7. Delft University of Teсhnology Library in Netherlands. This technical book room has a great peculiarity such as a skylight with grass roof. The entrance lift helps the library to be friendly to people with disabilities. The collection is mostly devoted to technical researches and available online.


8. The Royal Portuguese Reading Room in Brazil. The building is made in the style of Renaissance during the сolonization. A marvelous chandelier and skylight are main decorations of the library. Around six thousand unique scripts and texts enlarge the book сollection each year.

9. The Library of the San Francisco Monastery in Peru. This book room is the most remarkable in the South America. The rare items from the 15th century make the сollection of the library especially prominent. The first Spanish dictionary and the Holy Bible are the real treasures of its сollection.

10. Colombian Villanueva Public Library. The construction of the building is made by the stones and wood from nearby areas by the Colombian residents. The natural design project was offered by local students which created the optimum microclimate inside the library.


11. The Library of Congress in the USA. This reading room is the biggest in the world and consolidates approximately forty million books. It became an international scientific building due to the fact the publications are presented in four hundred seventy languages.

If you are involved in studying the historical and interior peculiarities of the athenaeums and different prominent buildings, we offer you to contact our art tutors. They can help you to become experts in this field of studying.

Anna Liodina

About Anna Liodina

Anna Liodina has graduated with a bachelor's degree in English and German languages and foreign literature from the Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University. Before joining TutorZ Anna worked as an ESL tutor. Now at TutorZ she is responsible for helping customers. She also supports May in social media. In her free time Anna prefers active kinds of sport, traveling and reading American literature.
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