Handy Math Trick They Don`t Teach You In School

Would you believe me, if I told you math isn’t as hard as you think?
Today I want to show you a small math trick. With it help you will be able to multiply double-digit numbers by 11. You will make use of this trick not only at school but also in your daily life. For instance, it can help you to avoid being overcharged.

Most of us don’t have problems multiplying by 10. And since this day multiplying by 11 will be a piece of cake for you as well.

All you need to do is add the digits of the number you are multiplying by 11 and place that in the middle of the original number. If the sum of the digits is 10 or larger, simply carry it over. Let’s look at the example below.

12 x 11

Just separate the number being multiplied by 11 (in this case, 12) so that there’s room for your number in-between. Now, just add the two digits in that number together (1 + 2 = 3) and throw the sum in that space you left open. That gives you 132.

Another example (when the sum of the digits is larger than 10):

67 x 11

Just add 6 + 7, which gives you 13. Slide it in-between the 6 and 7 and you get 6137. But, since the number 13 is larger than 10 you need to do one more thing. Just  add 6 +1 and you’ll end up with 737.

Try it out. You won’t be sorry.

Math tutors on TutorZ solve all kinds of math problems with step-by-step explanations. So, if you have any problems or questions, please, do not hesitate to contact one of our math tutors.

Maya Kacharava

About Maya Kacharava

May has graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. She holds a master's degree in business administration. May worked as a teacher for MCCA for several years. She taught students management, marketing, statistics and other business-related subjects. In her free time May enjoys reading, traveling, sports, meeting people, midnight strolls... Always learning. This is May's Facebook profile
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