On June 22nd I blogged on why Georgia’s Black Families Replace Schools With Tutors. The short answer to this question was: “While most states prohibit homeschooling parents from tutoring anybody except their own children, Georgia has no such restriction.” Remember?
Today, I am continuing this topic…
I was surprised and happy to learn that the booming of homeschooling is not only a phenomenon observed at home in the US but also a worldwide trend. For example, in 2014 the United Arabic Emirates (UAE) reported 4,000 students were officially home-schooled – a number that is likely much higher, for it only includes students who are above age 15.
4 Reasons For The Tutoring and Homeschooling Boom In The UAE
The number one reason of the rise of tutoring is simply the fact that there exist little legislative restrictions on homeschooling. Parents in the UAE are free to tutor their children. Interestingly, this micro trend in freedom of education reflects the larger trend in increased personal and economic freedom available to citizens of the UAE. The libertarian Canadian think thank Fraser Institute anally publishes a ranking of counties. In 2014, the UAE ranked 5th of the countries in the world in terms of economic freedom; a ranking higher than most Western countries (The US ranks 16, the UK 11th, Germany 29th).
The second reason for the tutoring boom is the rising costs of schooling in the UAE. Traditionally, women stay at home for child-rearing and house-holding. Now that household technology has eased these tasks women do find the time to home-school their own kids and often that of their neighbors as well. The teaching of unfamiliar subjects is typically left to tutors.
Reason #3: Governmental schools focus on scholastic subjects. Not so in Homeschooling. It enables parents to teach practical subjects such as cooking, household responsibilities, buying groceries and organizing parties.
Reason #4. Some parents decided to pull their children out of the public schools because they are killing the children’s interesting in learning. In the UAE kids often complain that hey just sit around and learn nothing new or interesting.
More details can be obtained from the UAE magazine The National who published an the article Why are more parents in the UAE are homeschooling their children.
Too bad that TutorZ.com does not yet offer tutoring in the UAE. But we are eager to expand our service to the UAE, a rich country with the right attitude towards tutoring!
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