Summer learning tips

I’m sure your kids are looking forward to no school, relaxing lazy days at the pool and maybe a family vacation to Hawaii.

Problem is, I know if I don’t keep my kids academically engaged over the summer, they’ll go back to school having lost much of what they learned this year.

You need to find some proven ways to build daily habits like studying. And I can help you out with this as I did a small research on this topic. I am sharing this with you because  I understand the pressure you are under, Trust me.

Your kid is rebelling against learning??? But you as an adult realize how important to avoid summer slack is.  All you need to do is to read the following tips and apply them with your kids this summer.

I hope you will use these tips to find the way to create an effective balance between studying and relaxing.

Maya Kacharava

About Maya Kacharava

May has graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. She holds a master's degree in business administration. May worked as a teacher for MCCA for several years. She taught students management, marketing, statistics and other business-related subjects. In her free time May enjoys reading, traveling, sports, meeting people, midnight strolls... Always learning. This is May's Facebook profile
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