There is nothing more important to a parent than raising healthy and happy children. First and foremost, every family needs to have special harmony.

I have prepared thirteen tips for moms and dads that are actually very simple but useful. Do not forget about these principles of education, and you will raise happy and confident kids!
So How to Raise Happy Children
Always start with yourself. Try to relax, sleep enough, eat healthy food, do sport. Firstly, show your children a good example.
Watch your emotions. Try not to be too stressed. Try to take a sensible look at things and stay calm.
If a child behaves badly, then consider his behavior as a desire to prove something or convey a message to adults. Most likely, he does not have enough parents’ attention, care, and love.
Do not remind him of his shortcomings or fails constantly. No comparisons with other children! It can lower his or her self-esteem. Focus on the good qualities of children, help them to achieve their goals.
If you want children to respect your requests and desires – respect them.
Accept your child exactly as he or she is. Do not try to change him or her completely. Do not ruin his or her life, your kid must choose what he or she likes and wants to do.
Communicate with a child in a calm tone. Never yell.
Criticize or praise some actions of a child but not him. For example, do not say “You’re bad”, but “What you did in this situation is bad.”
Also, look at child’s eyes when talking.
Show your children that they are an important part of the family. Give them small tasks so that they will fill that they are useful and independent.
Instill responsibility for his or her actions and choices to a child.
Remember that children should grow in love, harmony, and care.
If you want your child to be confident, happy and able to enjoy life, take these rules into consideration.
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