How Can You Help Your Child During School?

The most important and first teacher of a child is always the parent. As a parent, you have to be involved. If you do this, your child is going to have better results. They will also feel better about going to school in the first place. But, you can get it wrong. The way in which you get involved can make or break the entire experience.

Fortunately, there are many different things you can do to help. Some are obvious, like enrolling children for kids coding courses in Hong Kong at a reputable institution like the Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong. Others are not so obvious. We will focus on those that are highly important.

Know The Teacher

When the school year starts, one of the best things you could do is meet the teacher of your child. Make sure to let them know you wan to be actively involved. Also, leave your contact details so you can be contacted whenever something is not going as it should. Basically, you want to have an active partnership with the teacher. They will tell you what you have to do. Obviously, for this to happen you will need to keep in touch. It is also a very good idea to attend all parent-teacher conferences.

Know How The Child Is Doing

Learn from the teacher how the child does when compared to classmates. When you hear that there are problems and the child does not keep up, see what you can do. Remember that it is really important to act as early as possible. You do not want the child to fall behind. Take a look at the report cards every single time they come in. If the teacher says the child needs extra help, ask what you can do.

Don’t Neglect Special Services

If the child needs special services, apply for them. For instance, when there are learning problems that appear, see if there are some special accommodations that are necessary or that can be offered by the school. The best example of that is when the school teaches in a language that is not native for the child. Also, it is commonly necessary when a learning disability is in place. Many schools offer some extra help without you having to spend a dime. But, there is a strong chance you have to ask for it.

Focus On Homework

Homework is one of the most important parts of the entire educational process. You have to let the child know education is important. This includes the necessity of getting homework done. There are obviously situations in which you have to help with homework. Do this by establishing time for it. Remove all the possible distractions, like internet or TV sets.

If you believe that your knowledge of the subject is not as high as it should be, there are still things that can be done. You can hire a tutor. If you cannot afford this, simply getting involved helps. Praise the efforts of the child, monitor the work done, and ask about the daily assignments so you know what they are. Just do not do the entire homework for the child. This is not going to help.

Remember that you can always contact tutoring groups, churches, libraries, after school programs, and the actual school for extra help. Also, you can always find a tutor in a neighbor, friend, or older students. They are a lot cheaper than teachers.


You can always join parent-teacher groups at the school or just volunteer for help. All teachers will appreciate it since there are not many parents who help.

The great thing about it is that you can contribute in so many different ways. You can be a part of the school library or you can even cook for an event that the school organizes. Even when you work during the entire day you can still help with activities that happen at night.

In most schools today, we see parents who regularly meet to discuss what is happening. The PTA is the common name for this group. Attend the meetings to discuss things with other parents and work together so that the school can be improved.

Always Ask Questions

There will be moments when you will have concerns. This is usually about the behavior or the learning of the child. The best thing you can do is act as soon as possible. Discuss it with the principal or a teacher to gain valuable advice. Some of the common questions parents have are:

  • How should I stop the school bully?
  • Is there a way to aid my child with homework?
  • Is my child in a reading group?
  • What is the best reading group for my child?
  • Is my child having problems reading?

Keep in mind that you always have specific important rights as a parent. Learn what these rights are and ask the questions you have as soon as you can. The school needs to be aware of the concerns you have. There might be some problems with an administrator, a teacher, or even another student. The sooner you solve the problems, the better for the child.

Have A Positive Attitude

The things we do or say will always have an influence on our children. This is why we need to be positive at the same time. By doing this, your child ends up having a positive attitude towards education. They simply get to value education. If you show interest, you spark that enthusiasm that is needed for excellence and great results. This is what you surely want from the education of your child.

Final Thoughts

As it can easily be noticed, the most important part of helping your child through school is communication. You need to communicate with your child and the school. This helps you to learn if there is something wrong and gain access to better ways of helping your children. Do not dismiss what the child says and take all that they say into account. Act sooner rather than later and be an ally for your child during all education stages.

This entry was posted in Tutoring.

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