Found 13756 abacus math tutors – page 447 of 1376.

David M.

Salem 84653 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Word -

I have taught mainly Math and English to junior high and high school students. However, I have also taught Science, History, and Geography. Included in these 11 years are 2 years of teaching Economics at...

 is a certified tutor certified
Catherine H.

North East 21901 · $40/hour · teaches Biology - Ecology

I started my career as a science and math tutor at a local community college, and I have always enjoyed working one-on-one with students throughout my years as a public school teacher.

 is a certified tutor certified
Cole K.

Poughkeepsie 12601 · $35/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th) - Study

University of Missouri, Columbia, Political Science I am a friendly, neighborhood history teacher that mixes structure, content, effort, and humor into my time with students. While my tutoring is valued for any...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tess R.

Las Vegas 89121 · $35/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th) - Special

I believe in the power of manipulatives and real-world connections to aid in learning math concepts. Additionally, repetition unquestionably supports learning, so verbal and written practice will be required!

 is a certified tutor certified
Judi E.

Canton 02021 · $90/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th) - Special Needs

As a graduate of Boston University School of Education with a Masters Degree from the University of Massachusetts, teaching elementary age and special needs students has long been a passion of mine.

 is a certified tutor certified
Josie P.

Pacific Grove 93950 · $65/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - English - Proofreading

B.S. San Jose State University CA, Biological Sciences Hastings College of Law, J.D. I have tutored High School students in the past (prior to becoming an attorney) in Science and Math.

 is a certified tutor certified
Tina A.

Cortland 13045 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - English - Literature - Proofreading

St Johns University, Education I used to teach 3rd grade Math, Science, English and History. I taught for 4 years and tutored my students after school. I also tutored K-5 over the weekend.

 is a certified tutor certified
Dominique C.

Beatrice 68310 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary Science

Northwestern College, Spanish and K-8 Gen. As a professional educator, I have a deep love and understanding of students of all ages. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Spanish and Elementary Education with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shelby O.

Montgomery 36109 · $60/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary Science

Faulkner University, Psychology I have been interested Psychology for many years. I have always wanted to know why people do the things they do and what makes them act the way they act.

 is a certified tutor certified
Klaus G.

Burkeville 75932 · $45/hour · teaches German - Electrical Engineering

The tutorial skills I have to offer include English and German, Electronic / Electrical Engineering which covers math and the physics thereof. If you would like to know more, please contact me. Klaus

 is a certified tutor certified