Found 14417 ACT English 1003 tutors – page 241 of 1442.

Darcel P.

Rusk 75785 · $50/hour · teaches Elementary (K-6th)

I taught 7 years of elementary education and the remaining years I spent teaching middle school Science, English, and Math. I was a certified Reading Specialist with a Special Ed. background.

 is a certified tutor certified
Yaram Y.

Oak Park 60304 · $50/hour · teaches English - Literature - Proofreading - ACT

I also taught English at an orphanage in Tanzania. Editorially, I worked in the editorial department at Beacon Press, an independent book publisher who specializes in memoirs and nonfiction, distributed with Penguin...

 is a certified tutor certified
Patrick B.

Pelham 10803 · $45/hour · teaches English - Literature - ACT English

I have also tutored high school students for the SAT and ACT, and, though most of my tutoring experience is in writing and reading, I also have a lot of knowledge of statistics and economics and tutor in those...

 is a certified tutor certified
Colleen Marie R.

Gouverneur 13642 · $100/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - Government & Politics -

In addition to English and history, I tutor French and German, focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension. I look forward to working with you! Colleen

 is a certified tutor certified
Hannah T.

Atherton 94027 · $325/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - SAT Math - Literature -

Stanford University, American Studies I earned a B.A. in American Studies with a concentration in law, government, and political policy in June 2011 from Stanford and am a Castilleja alum.

 is a certified tutor certified
Keelah Rose C.

Ithaca 14850 · $35/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - Art History - Ecology -

Cornell University, Film Studies Roger Williams University School of Law, J.D. I am a Cornell graduate with a teaching certification from the state of California and a TEFL certification.

 is a certified tutor certified
Phyllis J.

Memphis 38116 · $55/hour · teaches English - Finance - Proofreading - Nursing - ASVAB -

Crichton College, Organizational Management University of Memphis, Masters I am a certified teacher with over twenty-one years of classroom and one-on-one teaching experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Joshua P.

Boulder 80301 · $35/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - Government & Politics - World

Lewis & Clark College, International Relations As a tutor, my goal is to collaborate with students, helping them cultivate their own strategies to deepen understanding rather than simply providing answers.

 is a certified tutor certified
Rachel B.

Milford 18337 · $45/hour · teaches Writing - English - ESL/ESOL - SAT Reading - SAT

...Verbal/SSAT/ACT tutor. I have taught at-risk high school students in Basic English and Medical Terminology and have also worked as a substitute teacher for elementary and middle school students.

 is a certified tutor certified
Afreen H.

Brooklyn 11237 · $60/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - Proofreading - SAT Reading -

City College of New York, Economics Kings College London, Masters My lessons are communicative, creative and interesting, and I have a proven track record of enhancing student skills.

 is a certified tutor certified