Found 14031 ACT reading tutors – page 413 of 1404.

Jan G.

Bandera 78003 · $60/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading - Spelling - Elementary Math -

BA from The University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, Business Management Grand Canyon University Curriculum and Instruction Reading, EdD Wayland Baptist, Graduate Coursework I have been...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ronald T.

Knoxville 37931 · $45/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - English - Proofreading

Carson Newman University, English University of Tennessee, Masters My name is Ronald, but I prefer Ronnie. I became interested in the profession of teaching during my elementary school years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Wade Y.

Southport 28461 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology

I am passionate about psychology and spend several hours a day reading current articles and research. If you have questions or problems with your psychology class or want to dig deeper into the subject...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shane A.

Labelle 33935 · $40/hour · teaches Biology - Ecology - Elementary Math - Elementary

By counting and analyzing the growth rings, one can tell how old the fish was, as well as periods of stress (spawning), and through spectrometer readings, one can tell where that fish spent certain periods of its...

 is a certified tutor certified
Chad W.

Belleview 34420 · $35/hour · teaches Reading - English - Literature

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Secondary English Ed Florida State University, Enrolled I am presently a high school English teacher with 4 years experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Stephen L.

Phoenix 85050 · $65/hour · teaches Fitness

ACT now, and contact me soon, as my early morning hours fill QUICKLY. "Most people sacrifice their health for the attainment of wealth, then spend their wealth trying to recapture their health." Peter Drucker

 is a certified tutor certified
Melissa W.

Dallas 57529 · $40/hour · teaches Spelling - Elementary Math

I have a music education degree and found out what I really wanted to be when I grew up was a tutor when I had the chance to help out with reading in first grade for a semester. I have a teaching degree...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ryan B.

Pittsburgh 15237 · $50/hour · teaches Theater - Video Production - Film

B.A. Penn State, Film I graduated from Penn State with a BA in Film/Video production in 2010. I'm also very passionate about theatre and have been acting professionally since graduation, including performing at...

 is a certified tutor certified
Susan C.

Orem 84057 · $45/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - ESL/ESOL - Proofreading - Spelling

If I could do nothing else, I would read. Reading helps promote grammar, literacy...the world! My greatest accomplishment this past year was watching a cute little girl move from below grade 1 reading...

 is a certified tutor certified
Lisa D.

Kent 44240 · $50/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Writing - Literature -

I have extensive training in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, literature/comprehension, writing, reading/analysis, journalism name it! If you have any questions regarding my training, education, experience...

 is a certified tutor certified