Found 12414 actuarial science tutors – page 278 of 1242.

Jessica W.

Reno 89523 · $150/hour · teaches Physics

University of California, Davis, Physics University of California, Davis, MEd Saint Louis University, EdD I am a state credentialed and Nationally Board certified science...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jacob T.

Cookeville 38505 · $70/hour · teaches Biochemistry

I am also willing to help with any science related course work, and I am especially proficient in organic chemistry. My Masters degree is in chemistry with a concentration in organic chemistry.

 is a certified tutor certified
Soad E.

Windsor Mill 21244 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Science

I've mentored rotating students in scientific settings for 4+ years, and my knowledge ranges from the sciences to languages (fluent in 3 languages: Arabic, Spanish, English). I welcome any learning resources that...

 is a certified tutor certified
Gabrielle F.

Manchester Township 08759 · $70/hour · teaches Science - Ecology - ACT Science -

Rutgers University, Natural Resource Management Georgian Court University, Masters I am a full time certified high school Biology teacher in NJ and part time college professor.

 is a certified tutor certified
Veronica A.

Cambridge 02139 · $80/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading -

Stanford University, Management Science and Engineering (1) Harvard Business School (in progress), MBA Hi! It's great to meet you. My name is Veronica. I graduated from Stanford in 2017 with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ifedayo O.

Somerville 02143 · $50/hour · teaches Biology - Psychology - Anatomy - SAT Reading - SAT

My method of teaching is to break down difficult aspects of science into simpler but important core concepts that build upon each other. At Harvard I was a mentor at an after-school program through Harvard’s...

 is a certified tutor certified
Trace M.

Amarillo 79110 · $35/hour · teaches Physical Science

If you struggle with grammar, math, or science rules, give me a chance. I may just be the one who can put them in terms you can understand.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jonathan R.

Morehead 40351 · $20/hour · teaches American History - Chemistry - Grammar - Astronomy -

2+ years of college level science and a lot of passion about the subject 2+ years of College level English A deep passion about the subject and lots of personal Research

 is a certified tutor certified
Anna S.

Beverly Hills 90212 · $100/hour · teaches Elementary Science

BFA , New York University, Dramatic Writing New York University MA, Masters Hi, my name is Anna. In May 2017 I graduated from my master’s program at New York University, where I studied English...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rafeh Khan · MD in Medicine, Usmle

Houston 77024 · $35/hour · teaches Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics

I hope to help and guide anyone having difficulty with any medical science subjects. I guarantee clear concepts and good strategies to ace any USMLE or NBME exam.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 2 years and 7 months