Found 12499 actuarial science tutors – page 372 of 1250.
Oak Park 60302 · $69/hour · teaches Computer Science - Linux - PHP - UNIX - C# - Python
University of Illinois at Chicago, Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago, Masters I am a life-long Chicagoan who earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science at UIC.

Katy 77494 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Geometry - Elementary Math - College
I have great interest and strong knowledge of math and science supported by PhD, MBA, BE (Mech.), BE (Elect.), DIM, and DLL. Strong knowledge of math enabled me to be systematic building the confidence of “I can do...

Virginia Beach 23451 · $60/hour · teaches Computer Science - Computer Engineering -
I have a Master's in Computer Science from Stanford, and enjoy helping people learn about math and computer science, as well as related subjects like physics, discrete math and SAT prep.

Roseville 95747 · $70/hour · teaches Anatomy - NCLEX - Career Development - ADHD fields. My educational background includes a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree and certifications such as the ECFMG Certification, which validate my expertise in clinical and academic medicine.

El Paso 79932 · $30/hour · teaches Elementary Science - Elementary (K-6th) - Common
Science has always been my love and most engaging subject. I have many years of and classes in different sciences which will help me to tutor the student and ensure that they get the best grade possible.

Scottsdale 85250 · $60/hour · teaches Science - Microbiology - Spelling - Elementary
Arizona State University, Microbiology I graduated from ASU with a degree in microbiology. I love science and have the ability to convey it in terms a student can understand and retain by relating concepts...

Clarksburg 20871 · $75/hour · teaches Computer Science - DOS - Dreamweaver - Macintosh
University of Maryland, Computer Science University of Maryland, Enrolled I have been working with computers from as long as I can remember in way or another. Eventually this led to studying...

Cambridge 02139 · $59/hour · teaches Computer Science - Electrical Engineering
...Science. I also have a minor in Classics/Ancient Greek out of personal interest. Currently, I am working on my doctorate from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

West Palm Beach 33415 · $100/hour · teaches Elementary Science - Elementary (K-6th) -, and/or technology. I have an bachelor's degree in Elementary Education (1-6) from Florida Atlantic University and a master's degree in reading from Nova Southeastern University (K - 12).

Stanford 94305 · $115/hour · teaches ACT Science - Elementary Math
North Carolina State University, Materials Science and Engineering Stanford University - in progress, PhD Stanford University, Masters I've tutored for 4+ years in topics including...