Found 775 adobe illustator tutors – page 24 of 78.

Traci A.

Stamford 06902 · $110/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator -

I taught myself the Apple Macintosh and Adobe Software from Illustrator and Photoshop when they first came out. Realizing early on that I enjoyed teaching; I became a software instructor in the garment district...

 is a certified tutor certified
Angela A.

Downey 90241 · $90/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Art History - Social Studies - Art

...Graphic Design and Adobe Creative Suite. * 6 years teaching remotely for organizations and universities in China, India, Korea and the MENA (Middle East/North Africa) regions. * College counseling and prep.

 is a certified tutor certified
Robert S.

San Rafael 94903 · $60/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator

In my time working for various design shops and advertising agencies, I've gained a mastery of Adobe's "Big Three" (Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator) that I would love to share with you.

 is a certified tutor certified
Anthony A.

Bayport 11705 · $45/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Web

Briarcliffe College, BFA in Graphic Design I'm Anthony, a graphic designer with extensive experience in logo creation and graphic media. I obtained an Associates in Graphic Design and a BFA in Graphic Design...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shane F.

Fort Collins 80524 · $80/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator -

University of Virginia, Biology Rhode island School of Design, Masters Hello Students! My name is Shane and I have been working in the design field for over 10 years now.

 is a certified tutor certified
Roger L.

Burlington 05401 · $100/hour · teaches General Computer - Adobe Photoshop

I have years of experience tutoring students, and teaching classes and field workshops on digital photography and the use of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. I have taught classes for Burlington Continuing...

 is a certified tutor certified
Justin R.

Carrollton 35447 · $25/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator -

Also, I'm well versed in use of Spot colors for screen printing separations and can easily go between other Adobe software and Illustrator. I have been a talented sketch artist my whole life with a natural grasp of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Allan F.

Kirkland 98033 · $75/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator -

If you're interested in learning any of the Adobe products, Maya, programming, or how to use Unity 3D, from the basics to publication, I have something to teach you!

 is a certified tutor certified
Peizhong M.

Brooklyn 11214 · $35/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator

I am primarily a designer that has years of experience in Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop. Certification and practical experience in architecture modeling software Revit, AutoCAD, and Rhino.

 is a certified tutor certified
Nicole P.

Lomita 90717 · $45/hour · teaches Adobe Illustrator - Adobe InDesign -

I also need to mention here that I also tutor computer software courses on the Mac such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign including Acrobat. I have a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design and have taught one...

 is a certified tutor certified