Found 43 AFOQT tutors – page 3 of 5.

Scott S.

Oklahoma City 73115 · $60/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering - AFOQT

University of California, Davis, Physics University of Oklahoma, Graduate Coursework I love finding out how the world works, and sharing that joy with other people has become one of my passions.

 is a certified tutor certified
Larry V.

Indianapolis 46236 · $58/hour · teaches Social Studies - AFOQT - Political Science

Hofstra University, History Indiana University School of Law, J.D. Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Masters After practicing law for almost 30 years...

 is a certified tutor certified
Stephen R.

Riverview 33579 · $40/hour · teaches TEAS - AFOQT - Finite Math - Homeschool

Tennessee Wesleyan College-Athens, TN, US, Engineering Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Masters I hold a Bachelor of Engineering & Health Sciences from Tennessee Wesleyan University.

 is a certified tutor certified
Patrick M.

Littleton 80126 · $120/hour · teaches Praxis - AFOQT - Accuplacer

Rice University, Bachelor of Arts, University of Colorado - Boulder, Leeds School of Business, MBA University of Michigan - Strategic HR Planning Executive Education, Other I'm a lifelong learner...

 is a certified tutor certified
Diane S.

Danbury 06810 · $95/hour · teaches TEAS - AFOQT - Accuplacer

Hofstra University, Chemistry Iowa State University, PhD Pennsylvania State University, Other I am an established, experienced Math, Science and Test Prep tutor, covering elementary...

 is a certified tutor certified
Evelio A.

Tampa 33634 · $32/hour · teaches Social Studies - AFOQT - IELTS - Political Science

U.SF., Social Science Ed. U.S.F., Masters Ed.D, Graduate Coursework My nickname is "Al." I am a third-generation Florida native retired teacher who has taught social studies, math...

 is a certified tutor certified
David B.

Columbus 31909 · $50/hour · teaches th) - AFOQT - Homeschool - Accuplacer

University of Nebraska at Omaha, Education I have been an educator since 1989, and all of my in-person teaching has been done in Georgia. I have worked as the Center Director and Director of Education for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Janet B.

Tres Piedras 87577 · $90/hour · teaches TAKS - AFOQT - Calculus - Geometry -

University of Missouri in St. Louis, Applied Mathemetics Jones International University in Colorado, Masters Mathematics can be intimidating to many people. I would like to put you, the student...

 is a certified tutor certified
Hannah E.

San Diego 92126 · $60/hour · teaches TEAS - AFOQT - Medical Coding - Accuplacer

UCLA, Neuroscience sdsu, Masters UCLA, MD I am a Medical Doctor with over 20 years of diverse tutoring experience. I have tutored over 900+ students privately and have been teaching...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ousman S.

Columbia 29210 · $60/hour · teaches TEAS - AFOQT - IELTS - Accuplacer

University of South Carolina, Biochemistry, Molec. Biology, Psychology University of South Carolina, Masters University of South Florida, Graduate Coursework I love teaching...

 is a certified tutor certified