Found 14953 applied math tutors – page 378 of 1496.

Jason L.

Berkeley 94704 · $89/hour · teaches Math - SQL - Finance - SPSS - Probability - PSAT -

University of California, Berkeley, Economics and Stats I have a double major in Economics and Statistics, and a minor in Mathematics from UC Berkeley. I've had over 10 years' experience working with college...

 is a certified tutor certified
Samuel H.

Astoria 11103 · $90/hour · teaches Math - GRE - GED - SAT Reading - GMAT - Probability

New York University, Mathematics Carnegie Mellon University, Masters Hi, I have a BA in Mathematics from New York University and an MS in Analytics from Carnegie Mellon University.

 is a certified tutor certified
Katerina V.

Princeton 08542 · $600/hour · teaches SAT Math - Linear Algebra

Harvard University, Physics and Math Princeton University, PhD I am Senior Lecturer of Physics at Princeton University and creator of the award-winning YouTube channel Physics4Life.

 is a certified tutor certified
Meeraj P.

New York 10003 · $250/hour · teaches Math - Literature - LSAT - GRE - Proofreading -

Turn them into strengths by learning the relevant material alongside my patented “If you see X, do Y” strategies to know when & how to apply it. 3. INTEGRATION – Apply what you learn to fix your mistakes...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michael M.

Cherry Hill 08003 · $40/hour · teaches Math - Differential Equations - Probability -

College of Southern Maryland/University of Maryland Baltimore County, Mathematics I graduated from the University of Maryland/Baltimore where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics .

 is a certified tutor certified
Marcella W.

Chapel Hill 27516 · $22/hour · teaches Math - SAT Reading - Ecology - ACT Reading - ACT

I graduated summa cum laude from high school, am an AP Scholar with Distinction, and received a 1550 SAT score (780 R&W, 770 Math) and 35 ACT score. In high school I was the Peer Tutoring Coordinator and later...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexandria R.

Carthage 28327 · $75/hour · teaches Math - Probability - ACT Math

University of California, Davis, Mathematics In 2019, I graduated with a major in Mathematics and minor in Education. I have been tutoring middle school, high school, and college students in various math...

 is a certified tutor certified
Yuwei Y.

Elmhurst 11373 · $50/hour · teaches Math - Elementary Math - Differential

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Mathematics with Actuarial Focus University of British Columbia, Masters Hi, I’m Yuwei! I hold a Master of Science in Statistics from the University of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Betty J.

Newton 07860 · $75/hour · teaches Math - GED - Probability - SSAT - ACT Math -

University of Rochester, Math and Statistics I am a retired actuary (ACAS) with a passion in math. As an Actuarial manager for over 15 years, I have trained many actuarial students in the math...

 is a certified tutor certified
Keyshawn G.

Los Angeles 90019 · $50/hour · teaches Math - Elementary Math - Elementary

I helped K-8 students with math, science, history, and English homework, but I also helped administer the program's signature literacy program--wherein students learn about many different forms of writing (from short...

 is a certified tutor certified