Found 8241 art history tutors – page 452 of 825.

Katie G.

Red Bank 07701 · teaches History, Social Studies, Study Skills, Writing, History

Katie Gillen specializes in humanities such as social studies, study skills and history. She lives in Red Bank, NJ. Feel free to contact Katie through the form on your left.

member for 7 years and 3 months
Skye G.

Warwick 02888 · $15/hour · teaches History, Psychology, World History, Writing

Skye Garant is a young and inexpensive tutor specializing in English, Geography, History, Psychology, and Writing. Feel free to contact Skye through the form on your left.

member for 7 years and 2 months
Dean K. · Masters in Public Policy

Lake Geneva 53147 · teaches History, History, Interviewing Skills, Political

Have lectured to students in American government, state and local politics, american history, public policy, and international political economy. Dean earned his Master’s in Public Administration and Policy...

member for 6 years and 12 months
Beverly Moraa O. · Bachelor in English Literature

Mombasa 41004 · $35/hour · teaches English Language Arts, Poetry, EFL, I Doubt

MAY 2014-APRIL 2017: kabarak university. bachelor of education (arts) second class. lower division (english literature) JAN 2014-FEB 2014: P.C.E.A. MWIKI educational centre. computer course FEB 2010-NOV2013...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 8 months
Patricia G. · Bachelor in Economics

Novato 94947 · $45/hour · teaches English Language Arts, Sewing

Patricia G has a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Harvard College. She has seven years of tutoring experience in math (arithmetic, pre-algebra, and algebra), English language arts...

member for 5 years and 10 months
Geeta · Associate in History

New Delhi 100001 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Biochemistry

I can do it. Give me a chance. I am desperate. I will work for money. Crowd funding my way out of boredom. I haven't eaten in 2 weeks; at least I look like so. Even an Italian grandma would be like 'she's unsalvagable'...

member for 5 years and 8 months
Serena L. · High School degree

Surrey 111111 · $20/hour · teaches Arts, French, Grammar, Horn, Math, Physics, Piano

I am a very responsible and dedicated person who maintains high grades in all academic and arts subjects. I always ensure that I am adapting to the learning styles of tutees and make sure to maximize their abilities...

member for 5 years and 3 months
Farobag C.

Orland Park 60467 · $80/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Biology - Vocabulary -

Whether it be the 3 Rs or preparation in the performing arts, a remarkable instructor must go well beyond the subject matter at hand and help imbue the student with a spirit of wonder that, in due time...

 is a certified tutor certified
David R.

Dallas 75219 · $120/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing

I have mastered the art and science of test prep and have a proven system to get maximal results from my students. I realize that many students do not naturally love the educational process and so my goal is to make...

 is a certified tutor certified
Diana C.

Warren 46792 · $22/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Biology - Vocabulary - Grammar - Geometry

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Natural Resouces IPFW, Graduate Coursework Pudue University West Lafayette, Graduate Coursework I have been tutoring students in Language Arts...

 is a certified tutor certified