Found 8591 art history tutors – page 587 of 860.
Bethlehem 18017 · $80/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Geometry -
Math improves your skills on the areas those you are interested either engineering or physical science or social sciences or even art. I am very experienced Math teacher all the way to the colleges.

Lancaster 93536 · $150/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Calculus - Physics - Trigonometry -
After many years of hard work I have earned both a BAE (Bachelor of Arts in Education) in Physics and an MS in Physics. However, I feel that it is my 17 years of high school teaching experience that sets me apart...

Jensen Beach 34957 · $108/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing -
The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, BFA Hindu University of America, Masters I am devoted to giving you the skills required to be a memorable public speaker and to improve your abilities...

Fort Washington 20744 · $75/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - English - Psychology -
Annette consistently spends her time mentoring, coaching, and tutoring others in English, Language Arts, Humanities, and the Social Sciences. She works consistently with a number of entities and corporations in...

Plymouth 48170 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Geometry - Prealgebra -
...and English/Language arts. As a seasoned teacher, I understand the challenges that students face when confronted with a subject, and it is my job to make sure that all students succeed.

Franklin 28734 · $45/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar - Phonics -
My concentrations in both math and language arts/reading, mean that I am highly qualified to teach those subjects in middle grades. The Gifted Endorsement allowed me to teach and test Gifted students {above average}.

Los Angeles 90035 · $120/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading - Writing - English -
...and a Masters of Arts from the Royal Academy of Music, London. I have been teaching violin and piano for over 10 years. I have taught students of all ages and skill levels across Australia, the UK, and USA.

Brooklyn 11201 · $75/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing well as the highly competitive Louis Sudler Prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts. I have more than five years of experience as an educator, academic tutor, and college counselor.

Athens 30605 · $44/hour · teaches Grammar - General Computer - Microsoft Word - Reading
English is my second subject area passion, my tutoring skills spanning all the Language Arts. CREDENTIALED in SPECIAL EDUCATION: For Elementary, Middle and High School students Are their grade reports a...

Aurora 60506 · $68/hour · teaches Music Theory - Ear Training - General Music - Guitar
Roosevelt University, Music I have 20-plus years with over 20,000 hours of musical instrument teaching experience and a total of 30 years of guitar playing experience with a Bachelor of Arts...