Found 8591 art history tutors – page 6 of 860.

Team Brainiac

Redford 48240 · $40/hour · teaches History, Home Schooling, Japanese, Law, LSAT, Math

Our tutors have college degrees and/or advanced degrees in various majors. We have years of teaching and/or tutoring experience with elementary to college students. Brainiac tutors have received outstanding references...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 7 years and 10 months
Annelies M.

Atlanta 30317 · $60/hour · teaches History - European History - Latin - World

KULeuven (Belgium), History KULeuven (Belgium), Masters Goeiedag! Hello! Bonjour! I am a passionate teacher (she/her) from Belgium. My affection for teaching stems from helping my younger sister...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jenny M.

Silver Spring 20906 · $100/hour · teaches History - Vocabulary - European

(1) Excelsior College, History Salve Ragina University, Masters Harvard Extension, Masters I take a proactive and fun approach to tutoring AP US History, AP World History...

 is a certified tutor certified
Katie S.

Brooklyn 11216 · $45/hour · teaches Art History

DePaul University, French, Art History Syracuse University, Masters Hi, I'm Katie! Without a doubt my favorite thing to do is explore new places, whether that be flying to a new country...

 is a certified tutor certified
Allison B. · Masters degree

Nazareth 18064 · $40/hour · teaches Art, English Language Arts, College

Ph.D. in Higher Education (ABD, graduating December 2025) West Virginia University Master’s in Organization Development & Change (2019) Pennsylvania State University Bachelor of Arts...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 1 month
Maya K.

Roslyn 11576 · $40/hour · teaches Art History

Johns Hopkins, Art History Johns Hopkins, Masters Hi there, my name is Maya! I received my Master's Degree and Bachelor's Degree in History of Art from Johns Hopkins University.

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniella M.

Irvine 92697 · $100/hour · teaches History - European History - Writing -

Northwestern University, Political Science University of Oklahoma, Masters UC Irvine, PhD Helping students understand the past is one of my life passions. I have a PhD in History...

 is a certified tutor certified
Maria O.

Winston Salem 27106 · $80/hour · teaches Art History - Art Theory

Kansas City Art Institute, Painting, Sculpture Yale University School of Art (#1 in Painting), Masters Hello, I'm your university art prof & tutor. With 10+ years of experience teaching...

 is a certified tutor certified
Itzhak F.

Croton On Hudson 10520 · $80/hour · teaches Art History - Art Theory

If you are curious about the story of art or have to prepare for a high school or college class, I have an extensive knowledge of art history. I have a passion for art historical research.

 is a certified tutor certified
Aziza M.

Vancouver 98682 · $40/hour · teaches World History - Proofreading - Social Studies

Washington State University, History School of Visual Arts, Masters Washington State University, Masters I am an educator and professional artist with experience in teaching AP...

 is a certified tutor certified