Found 481 astronomy tutors – page 30 of 49.

Jason M.

San Antonio 78210 · $47/hour · teaches Writing - Astronomy - Geography - English -

University of Texas at Austin, Sociology I am a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. As an undergraduate, I studied sociology, music, and psychology. I also have a Masters in science-based anthropology.

 is a certified tutor certified
Evan K.

Granger 46530 · $150/hour · teaches Trigonometry - Astronomy - SAT Math - Linear

Stanford University, Physics University of California, Santa Cruz, PhD Hi, I'm Evan Kirby, and I've been teaching physics, math, and astronomy for over 18 years. I was on the faculty at Caltech...

 is a certified tutor certified
Amy C.

Suffolk 23435 · $70/hour · teaches Writing - Astronomy - English - SAT Math -

College of William & Mary, Classics, Engl. Lit. College of Willam & Mary, MEd I am a private professional tutor and owner of Carpenter Tutoring. I have received certification as an Advanced...

 is a certified tutor certified
Amy B.

Dawsonville 30534 · $100/hour · teaches Astronomy

I have been teaching fundamental Astronomy and Physics since 2010. I make it a point to show students a procedure for tackling problems which allows the student to take on difficult problems on his/her own.

 is a certified tutor certified
Lucinda M.

Huntsville 35801 · $65/hour · teaches Biology - Anatomy - Ecology - ACT Science -

I have taught Life Science, Physical Science, Biology, Environmental Science, Marine Science, Forensic Science and Astronomy at the secondary level (middle and high school). I am certified to teach Biology...

 is a certified tutor certified
Timothy F.

West Palm Beach 33401 · $50/hour · teaches Trigonometry - Astronomy - English -

Hobart & William Smith, undergrad State University of New York at Buffalo, Other Duquene University, PhD I have had the good fortune of tutoring several high school and college...

 is a certified tutor certified
Serge R.

New York 10038 · $150/hour · teaches Writing - Astronomy - Geography - English -

(B.S.) Cornell University, Developmental Psychology, Pre-Med (1) Harvard University, Comparative Literature, Masters (1) Harvard University, Comparative Literature, Secondary in Film &

 is a certified tutor certified
Jennifer V.

Cave Junction 97523 · $35/hour · teaches Reading - Astronomy - Geography - Anatomy -

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, undergrad Walden University, Enrolled I am a friendly, highly intelligent individual who loves working with students with learning needs.

 is a certified tutor certified
Dirk W. · Masters in Computer Science

Goleta 93117 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Applied Math, C#, C++

I attented adult ed classes ranging from astronomy and finance to machine learning. I have attended UC Santa Barbara, California State University at Northridge and UC Irvine. I also taught computer programming at...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 11 years and 6 months
Jodi M.

Martin 57551 · $35/hour · teaches Writing - Astronomy - English - Adobe Photoshop - ACT

Oglala Lakota College, Elementary Education Oglala Lakota College, Other Hey there! Looking for some help with your studies? Well I'm looking for some young minds to help grow.

 is a certified tutor certified