Found 3 tutors in Bethune, CO 80805.
Bethune 80805 · 0 miles from downtown · $20/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -
La Sapienza, Languages Education and CV I lived one year in Ireland were I became fluent in English. I then started university in Rome at "La Sapienza", attending the course "Languages, Literature, Culture...

Burlington 80807 · 12 miles from 80805 · $35/hour · teaches American History -
University of Maine, undergrad I am currently a 7-12 English teacher who can work with any students in that age range on reading comprehension, writing, vocabulary, and SAT/ACT prep.

Burlington 80807 · 12 miles from 80805 · $50/hour · teaches Business - Marketing
Bachelor of Science - Colorado State University, Other I'm a graduate of Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Business and a minor in Economics.