Found 5 tutors in Blytheville, AR 72315.
Blytheville 72315 · 0 miles from downtown · $65/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -
Arkansas State University, Elem Ed Early Ch Arkansas State University, Masters I am a dyslexia therapist, (Certified Academic Language Therapist), so I specialize in teaching phonological awareness...
certifiedSteele 63877 · 13 miles from 72315 · $55/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary -
Arkansas Northeastern College, English literature University of Missouri St. Louis, Graduate Coursework Arkansas State University, Graduate Coursework My love of teaching comes from...
certifiedRipley 38063 · 23 miles from 72315 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Microsoft Word -
Hello, all! I am patient, flexible, fun, and encouraging. I serve as a tutor in the following subjects: writing, reading, English, Adobe Photoshop, math, elementary, grammar, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher...
certifiedKennett 63857 · 23 miles from 72315 · $15/hour · teaches Computer Basics, Math
I am a Sophomore in college attaining my Bachelors in Biology.
member for 12 years and 8 monthsMonette 72447 · 25 miles from 72315 · $40/hour · teaches Bass, Composition, Computer
member for 12 years and 9 months