Found 7204 career planning tutors – page 3 of 721.

Pamela S.

Milwaukee 53202 · $120/hour · teaches Study Skills - Career Development - College

My extensive career and life coach training augment my deep passion for increasing your capacity to succeed in learning, career, or life goals. I have over 10 years experience working with teens and adults in teaching...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rayan M. · Masters in Speech Therapy

Beirut · $25/hour · teaches ADD-ADHD, Dyslexia, Speech, Reading (Dyslexia), Autism

Oral Placement Therapy Assessment and Program Plan Development – Talk Tools - 3-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy – Talk Tools – TEACH - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 5 months
Beth J.

Carrboro 27510 · $295/hour · teaches Writing - Career Development

As a seasoned career development coach and consultant with over 20 years of experience, my passion lies in empowering individuals and teams to enhance their performance and achieve their goals. Why Choose Me?

 is a certified tutor certified
Annamaria C.

Frederick 21703 · $50/hour · teaches Biology - Career Development - College Counseling

Career Support: I thoroughly enjoy career coaching! Through trial and error, I learned the fastest and most proficient way to climb the professional ladder while maximizing my development opportunities...

 is a certified tutor certified
Susan W.

Cambridge 02138 · $150/hour · teaches Homeschool

I bring to the table many years of academic college and career planning in public school, private school and international school and at the university level ( as an Academic Advisor at Northeastern University) I...

 is a certified tutor certified
David S.

Indiantown 34956 · $50/hour · teaches American History - Government & Politics - Anatomy

He soon realized he could not perform routine tasks for the rest of his working career. So he went to college and while in undergraduate school was drafted into the Army and served in Germany.

 is a certified tutor certified

Goldsboro 27530 · $40/hour · teaches Business

Public speaking involves researching the topic and then developing a plan on how to deliver the message. Once those two have been completed I can show how to deliver the message. Each part of public speaking is...

 is a certified tutor certified
Delane S.

Missouri City 77489 · $55/hour · teaches College Counseling - Criminal Justice

I began my career in higher education in 2011 as a Financial Aid Counselor at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) working closely with students and families transitioning to and through college.

 is a certified tutor certified
Branyea J.

Saint Louis 63138 · $50/hour · teaches Writing - Career Development

...I bring a deep passion for empowering students and adults to achieve their career and personal goals. With an MBA from the University of Missouri – St. Louis and a BA in Human Resource Management from Lindenwood...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michelle B.

North Fort Myers 33903 · $60/hour · teaches Study Skills - Career Development - ACT

Edison Community College, undergrad I have 13 years experience as a Personal Money Management and Career Development Coach. My tutoring skills involve life skills, study skills, career...

 is a certified tutor certified