Found 8 Catalan tutors.

Jeanne Z.

Pittsburgh 15229 · $55/hour · teaches Grammar - French - Spanish - ESL/ESOL

I went on to get a Master’s and PhD in Romance Linguistics at the University of Michigan, also learning Catalan and a reading knowledge of Portuguese. In order to really learn these languages, I spent one summer...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kristofer Z.

Oakland 07436 · $50/hour · teaches French - Spanish - Japanese

My time in Spain has allotted me the opportunity to learn Catalan to fluency, as well. My mother's side of the family is from Mexico, bringing to me inherent knowledge of Mexican culture and dialect, as well.

 is a certified tutor certified
Sandra P.

Oakland 94612 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Phonics - Reading - Spanish -

education, Masters I am a Spanish teacher from Barcelona, Spain. I am bilingual, I also speak (and teach Catalan) and I am fluent in English. I have been teaching over for 12 years so I have a wide experience...

 is a certified tutor certified
Yuri V.

San Juan 00924 · $60/hour · teaches European History - World History - Anthropology -

...Catalan and Corsican immigrants and their descendants, ritual specialists and fishing villages studying their mode of production. I have taught the following courses at the college level: Introduction...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ed L.

Kingwood 77339 · $50/hour · teaches Spanish - Physical Science

I speak Castilian Spanish and Catalan, and am experienced in teaching Spanish and English to Spanish speakers. I taught Spanish executives English in Barcelona, Spain. Let's get you on your way to learning...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexandru L.

Jamestown 58401 · $49/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading - Spanish - Portuguese -

I am a native speaker of Romanian and also have additional proficiency in French, Catalan, German, and Hebrew. I have helped hundreds of students improve their skills, whether for personal enrichment or for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Newton M.

Ararat 27007 · teaches Linear Algebra, Catalan, Actuarial Science, No

I'm competent academic writer and professional statistician and Tutor in maths and statistics.I graduated in master studies in applied statistics in university of Manitoba Canada. I'm competent academic writer...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 7 years and 10 months
Eugenia L. · High School degree

Reisterstown 21136 · $10/hour · teaches Chinese (basics), Catalan, Handbell

Born and raised in HK, where the native language is Cantonese I am currently a High School student in UK, but speaks Cantonese fluently, and Madarin nearly-fluently

member for 5 years and 6 months