Found 73 chemical engineering tutors in Atlanta, GA 30301 – page 4 of 8.
Atlanta 30328 · 5 miles from downtown · $65/hour · teaches Music Production
I am also a very experienced sound designer, recording engineer, DJ and music technology evangelist. I have several years of experience performing live shows, being a the keynote speaker at numerous music technology...
certifiedPowder Springs 30127 · 17 miles from 30301 · $50/hour · teaches Chemistry
I studied chemical engineering, and chemistry as an undergrad at Tuskegee University. I have tutored on the middle school, high school, and college levels. I am a teacher and a coach so I am patient when it comes...
certifiedAtlanta 30313 · 7 miles from downtown · $75/hour · teaches Java - HTML - C++ - C -
Morris Brown College, Computer Science Mercer University Atlanta, GA, Masters Greetings All, I am a graduate of the Mercer School of Engineering and hold a M.S. in software Engineer.
certifiedRoswell 30076 · 13 miles from 30301 · $50/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Career
University of Kentucky, Elect. Engineering Liberty University, Masters I am an engineer with over 20 years’ experience in manufacturing and training related positions.
certifiedAtlanta 30301 · 0 miles from downtown · teaches Software Engineering, SQL, Web Page
Masters in Computers I have made multiple websites, few android apps as well as artificial intelligence projects. Also have successfully assisted multiple students in their varied project and programming needs.
certified, member for 5 years and 3 monthsAtlanta 30344 · 13 miles from downtown · $45/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
University of Florida, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Masters I am currently working as an Environmental Engineer for the U.S. Environmental...
certifiedAtlanta 30313 · 7 miles from downtown · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Phonics -
Georgia Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineeri Hello! I'm Nishita! I'm currently a sophomore at Georgia Tech studying Mechanical Engineering and I'm thrilled to offer my expertise in STEM subjects...
certifiedMarietta 30060 · 10 miles from 30301 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1
I graduated from Georgia Tech in 2019 with a degree in Materials Science and Engineering. I have spent over 5 years working in Research and Development for semiconductor packaging and metals industries.
certifiedDouglasville 30135 · 24 miles from 30301 · $65/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
Georgia Tech, Chemical Engineering Georgia Tech, Masters After earning Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Engineering from Georgia Tech, I decided to forego a career in engineering...
certifiedRoswell 30075 · 14 miles from 30301 · $150/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
Georgia Institute of Technology, Engineering Louisiana State University, MBA "Phenomenal!" With my scores of 1580 SAT and 35 ACT, and with my experience guiding students and families...