Found 18553 claris works tutors – page 346 of 1856.

John K.

Sarasota 34238 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Prealgebra - Elementary

But toward the end of my Applied Mathematics college degree work, the math became very complicated. To my surprise, I had to work very hard and began to dislike math at that level.

 is a certified tutor certified
Valerie G.

Voorheesville 12186 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading - Writing - Literature -

Since then, I have worked in the Fort Myers and Vero Beach areas as a private tutor, a teacher in a small private school for students with special needs, and a substitute in the public schools.

 is a certified tutor certified
Janel N.

Bellflower 90706 · $60/hour · teaches College Counseling

Through my undergraduate career I worked with students in juvenile halls. Here I helped them come up with an educational plans. After graduating CSUDH, I applied to my Masters of Education at USC and got in!

 is a certified tutor certified
Kirstin J.

Bristolville 44402 · $35/hour · teaches Prealgebra - Elementary Math - Elementary

I will not move on from what we're working on until I'm confident the student gets it. Math can be frustrating, I've been there, but with time and effort, you'll get there in no time.

 is a certified tutor certified
Casey Z.

Greenville 27858 · $60/hour · teaches Reading - ESL/ESOL - Anatomy

I'm Casey and I have been a certified Athletic Trainer for over 5 years with a collective 10 years of clinical work. If you are unfamiliar, an Athletic Trainer is a medical professional specializing in athletics (not...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shane H.

Brownsburg 46112 · $60/hour · teaches Epidemiology

My Summer internship was working for the IU-SERT Program investigating Salmonellosis cases. In the Fall I worked as a Surveillance Epidemiologist Intern assisting with daily syndromic surveillance of hospital data...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tajenai A.

Buffalo 14223 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th) - Business -

I love writing and I believe it shows in my work. I take the time to learn what studying methods work for each individual and use those to come up with studying plans. Like I’ve stated before, kids are the future...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tom D.

Plymouth 02360 · $50/hour · teaches Financial Accounting

Northeastern University, Accounting Bentley University, MBA Hi, I'm Tom, a recently retired chief financial officer with years of business related working experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Luke P.

White Plains 10601 · $60/hour · teaches Ear Training - Music Production

Plenty of experience working with kids of all ages! Pursuing an MBA degree coupled with my experience as a business consultant granted me countless opportunities to speak publicly in front of CEO's and clients.

 is a certified tutor certified
Andrew M.

Macomb 61455 · $50/hour · teaches Ear Training - Trombone - Trumpet - Music Production

As someone who writes prolifically as part of their creative work and reads plentifully, my goal is to instill in my English students that writing, reading, and speaking are the three components of literacy...

 is a certified tutor certified