Found 6246 computer engineering tutors – page 542 of 625.

Tom B.

Wellington 80549 · $25/hour · teaches Ecology - Zoology

...and Engineering teacher in Loveland. As my career path has shown, realizing that I wanted to become a teacher was not a “Eureka” moment. I started my undergraduate degree thinking I wanted to be an Ecologist...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jason V.

Newark 14513 · $35/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering

Stony Brook University, Engineering I was a terrible student! I was lazy, entitled, and disinterested in school. If that sounds like your child, I understand what you're going through, because I did it...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rachel G.

Mountain View 94041 · $75/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Career Development

University of California, Davis, Biomedical Engineering University of California, Irvine, Masters University of California, Irvine, PhD As a graduate of the UC Irvine PhD Biomedical...

 is a certified tutor certified
Stanley H.

Grandview 64030 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Study Skills

In addition, I have a Computer Technicians Certificate. My method is to tailor the lessons to the individual student. This is done through accessing weaknesses and strengths through discussion with the student.

 is a certified tutor certified
Noe A.

Rye 10580 · $50/hour · teaches Geometry - Elementary Math

Beyond my studies where I excelled in advanced math, statistics, and computer science courses, I have experience working in the industry as a data analyst. My approach to teaching employs my study of human behavior...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anita H.

Kingsport 37663 · $55/hour · teaches American History - Law

I took computer classes at Northeast State and Milligan. I taught Kingsport Adult Education classes for 4 years. I have worked with computers for the past 18 years. Learning is fun, an adventure...

 is a certified tutor certified
Luca M.

Bedford 01730 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 2

Carnegie Mellon University, Engineering Hi, I'm Luca! I graduated from High School with a 4.0 unweighted GPA, and a 4.9 weighted GPA at the top of my class. I was a 2-time captain and all-star for my Varsity Soccer...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexander A.

East Lansing 48823 · $45/hour · teaches C++

I'm an experienced tutor in physics, mathematics, and computer science. The student having a fluent understanding of the course material is the goal of my instruction. I enjoy working with students and helping them...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jordan C.

Lewis Center 43035 · $63/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering

Stevens Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering University of Texas-Austin, PhD I have over 20 years experience (since high school!) teaching and tutoring in many different capacities...

 is a certified tutor certified
Karole C.

Sumter 29154 · $50/hour · teaches Networking (Computer) - Handwriting

Tui University, BA in Business Admin I am a teacher with many years of experience with teaching students one on one. I like to provide individualized attention, so students receive the most out of the time spent...

 is a certified tutor certified