Found 4264 computer graphics tutors – page 15 of 427.

Lorie T.

Saint Petersburg 33710 · $40/hour · teaches General Computer - Geometry - Microsoft

In addition to my education, I have had a wonderful and rewarding career that began in graphic design over time grew to include web design, development, and consulting. While a consultant for web and software design...

 is a certified tutor certified
Gregg M.

Austin 78741 · $25/hour · teaches Computer - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Art

College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI, graphic communicatio Hello, I'm Gregg. I'm here to make your design software learning easier. I've over 20 years using all sorts of design software, I've come...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shreshta R.

San Jose 95131 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - English - ESL/ESOL

The University of Texas at Ausitn, Informatics I hold a Bachelor of Science in Informatics (concentration in UX Design) and Digital Arts & Media with a minor in Computer Science from the University of Texas...

 is a certified tutor certified
Zary M.

Greer 29651 · $45/hour · teaches Computer - Writing - HTML - Adobe Photoshop -

5k subscribers and counting, gaining experience in Graphic Design, Video Editing, SEO, Online Marketing, Web Design & Photography. I’ve also published a novel with a 4.3-star Amazon rating.

 is a certified tutor certified
Shirley H.

Springville 84663 · $35/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Flash

University of Utah, undergrad My goal as a young student was to become a teacher. As fate would have it, I became an early-adopter for using computers in the graphic arts and printing industry, and ended...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kainat A.

East Lansing 48823 · $35/hour · teaches Grammar - English - TOEFL - Urdu

Foundation University, Graphic Design university of the people, MEd Kainat is a dedicated Montessori educator with a deep commitment to fostering the development of children from infants...

 is a certified tutor certified
Edy G.

New York 10025 · $175/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Linear Algebra -

Carleton University, Mathematics University of Toronto, Masters I hold a master's degree (MSc in Computer Science, from University of Toronto) and an undergraduate degree (BMath from Carleton...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kyle S.

Kansas City 64152 · $75/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Flash

Northwestern University, Communications I graduated from Northwestern University and worked in advertising as Web sites were just beginning to be an essential business platform. I worked in graphic...

 is a certified tutor certified
Eric R.

Santa Monica 90404 · $60/hour · teaches Autodesk Maya

University of Maryland, Computer Science and Art UC Davis, Masters I'm a very experienced 3D artist with great communication skills. I have lots of experience with Maya, especially in particles...

 is a certified tutor certified
David A.

Troy 12180 · $60/hour · teaches Animation - Computer Gaming - Data Science

I have an undergraduate degree in computer graphics and interactive media from Pratt Institute (2003) and a masters degree in electronic art from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2015).

 is a certified tutor certified