Found 13267 computer science tutors – page 418 of 1327.

Tyler A.

Walled Lake 48390 · $50/hour · teaches Physical Science - Nursing - Microbiology - ACT

Wayne State University, Biological Sciences Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Enrolled As a fourth-year medical student at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine...

 is a certified tutor certified
Matthew G.

Denver 80246 · $50/hour · teaches Science - Elementary Science

University of Michigan, Neuroscience University of Colorado, MD Hi, I'm Matt, a tutor with a strong background in the biological and medical sciences. I work with clients of all ages and...

 is a certified tutor certified
Richard L.

Vallejo 94589 · $75/hour · teaches Science - TOEFL - GMAT - ASVAB - Probability - PSAT

My specialties are math, science, and standardized testing. I am very patient and friendly. I am also able to explain an idea in many different ways. Many students tell me that I can explain concepts much better than...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sharie M.

Milwaukee 53213 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Biology - Chemistry - Psychology

Marquette University, Biomedical Sciences Medical College of Wisconsin, MD I'm Sharie! I'm a pediatric resident doctor training to become a pediatric cardiologist.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ernesto G.

Allendale 49401 · $45/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Government &

Grand Valley State University, Poli Sci I am currently a student at Grand Valley State University, pursuing a degree in Environmental Science Throughout my academic career, I have developed a strong passion for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Trip A.

Providence 84332 · $70/hour · teaches Calculus - Precalculus - Trigonometry

Boston College, Biology University of California, Davis, Other I have a Bachelor's of Science in Biology and attended graduate school in aquatic ecology. While taking classes for my doctorate...

 is a certified tutor certified
Yunus B.

Allston 02134 · $30/hour · teaches Political Science

University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, IR and Management Harvard Kennedy School, Masters Hi there, My undergrad was in International Relations and Management at the University of Applied...

 is a certified tutor certified
Milan A.

Indianapolis 46202 · $30/hour · teaches Elementary Science

Over the years, I have tutored students in a variety of subjects but primarily in math and science. My approach emphasizes student-centered learning and interactive problem-solving.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jack R.

State College 16803 · $45/hour · teaches Elementary Science

During this time, I studied a breadth of natural sciences and gained hands-on experience tutoring elementary students at the Lansing Refugee Development Center and student teaching AP Environmental Science.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kyra H.

Phoenix 85021 · $40/hour · teaches Chemistry - Biochemistry - Physiology - Microbiology

The University of Arizona, Biochemistry The University of Arizona, Masters Hello, I'm Kyra (k-eye-ruh)! In 2020, I finished my Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and in 2022, I finished my Master of...

 is a certified tutor certified