Found 1401 counseling tutors – page 44 of 141.

Connie R.

Alabaster 35007 · $65/hour · teaches College Counseling - ADHD

Mississippi State University, Educational Psycholo Mississippi State University, Masters For almost 20 years I have been teaching and tutoring students of various ages and abilities.

 is a certified tutor certified
Beatriz A.

Stanford 94305 · $300/hour · teaches College Counseling

California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Bioengineering Stanford University, Masters Stanford University, PhD Tired of not understanding what's going on in your math...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tyler P.

New York 10016 · $350/hour · teaches College Counseling

UC Davis, Neurobiology Yale, Masters I believe that a great interview reveals that you did the groundwork to learn about the position, demonstrates the quality of your character, and leaves...

 is a certified tutor certified
Arya J.

Los Angeles 90025 · $100/hour · teaches College Counseling

UC San Diego, B.S. Human Biology UC San Diego School of Medicine, MD Admissions Expert Resident Physician - Anesthesiology MD from UC San Diego 99th %ile MCAT and Top Medical Boards Scorer 1 Session...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexandra H.

Fort Lauderdale 33304 · $120/hour · teaches College Counseling

University of Massachusetts Amherst, Biology Northeastern University, MEd I come from the world of higher education admissions and have over 10 years of experience working at institutions such as...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kirsten S.

Jonesville 24263 · $35/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Writing - English -

My training, education, and experience in mental health counseling helps with this endeavor. To master schoolwork, regardless of what a student studies, it requires a lot of other skills, such as making plans...

 is a certified tutor certified
David P.

Decatur 30034 · $65/hour · teaches College Counseling - Speech - Linguistics

Morehouse College, English (2008) Troy University, Masters (2009) Troy University, MEd EXPERT SPEECH COACH & ENGLISH PROFESSOR! For the past 26 years, I have worked tirelessly with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jack F.

Osprey 34229 · $65/hour · teaches College Counseling - Econometrics - Logic - STATA -

Florida State University, Economics University of Amsterdam, Masters Hey! I've been teaching for five years, and I am excited to help you reach your educational goals.

 is a certified tutor certified
Caitlin D.

Garden City 11530 · $95/hour · teaches College Counseling - Social Studies

SUNY Oneonta, Education CUNY Queens, Masters Hofstra University, EdD My name is Caitlin, I am a certified social studies teacher who has been teaching for over 10 years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Barry B.

College Park 20742 · $300/hour · teaches College Counseling - USMLE

University of Notre Dame, Science-Business Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, MD Hey, Barry here! Thank you for taking a great leap forward. It’s hard to admit you need an extra boost...

 is a certified tutor certified