Found 821 tutors in Downers Grove, IL 60515 – page 5 of 83.
Glen Ellyn 60137 · 4 miles from 60515 · $75/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English -
Harding University, Theatre and English Western Kentucky University, Masters I hold a BA in Theatre and English and an MA in Folk Studies, with a specialization in community healing through the arts.

Glen Ellyn 60137 · 4 miles from 60515 · $150/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
Vanderbilt University, Biochemistry Hello! I'm Cade, and I'm thrilled to be considered as a possible tutor. Education and helping students achieve their academic goals across various settings and demographics is...

Woodridge 60517 · 4 miles from 60515 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 2 - Calculus -
University of Utah, Applied Physics Northern Illinois University, Enrolled I'm Jared and I'm a PhD candidate pursuing a degree in physics. I've been tutoring physics at a college level for 5 years...

Woodridge 60517 · 4 miles from 60515 · $70/hour · teaches American History - Grammar -
University of Iowa, English Governors State University, Graduate Coursework Concordia University, Graduate Coursework I am a veteran college composition teacher and copy editor...

Lombard 60148 · 5 miles from 60515 · $60/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus
Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech., Mathematics (1) University of Southern California, Masters West Virginia University, MBA I am a fun-loving, pragmatic, task master.

Darien 60561 · 5 miles from 60515 · $14/hour · teaches French - Spanish - English -
Southern New Hampshire University (In Progress), English Classes I teach English/ESL Spanish French Levantine Arabic, Lebanese and Syrian dialects Teaching Materials I use books, Google Slides, PDF, PowerPoint Slides...

Downers Grove 60515 · 0 miles from downtown · $100/hour · teaches Heat Transfer
Ph.D. 1990 Mechanical Engineering University of Illinois. Taught Fluid Mechanics as Assistant professor at Iowa State University and as Graduate student at UIUC. I can help you learn physics.
member for 8 years and 5 monthsDarien 60561 · 5 miles from 60515 · $75/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - ACT Math
Saint Xavier University, Education Benedictine Univer, Masters Ms. Asma A. completed her B.A. in Elementary Education with a minor in math education Summa Cum Laude from Saint Xavier University in 1995.

Lombard 60148 · 5 miles from 60515 · $45/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Biology
University of Texas at Austin, Biology Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine, MD Hi! I’m currently a second year dental student looking to tutor students in high school math...

Oak Brook 60523 · 4 miles from 60515 · $40/hour · teaches Spanish
I'm a native Spanish speaker and am well acquainted with language learning: I'm a licensed speech-language pathologist (master's degree) and I speak 4 languages (and I'm currently learning a 5th!).
member for 6 years and 2 months