Found 1148 dyslexia nyc tutors – page 12 of 115.
Greenback 37742 · $75/hour · teaches English - Literature
Both my twin sons have dyslexia, and one boy has ADHD and processing issues as well. They are in high school now performing well, and one is in the gifted program. The benefit to me of taking this academic journey...

Bedminster 07921 · $150/hour · teaches Biology - Calculus - Chemistry - Physics - SAT
...NYC • developer/teacher of SAT Prep courses for college prep firm in China (Shenzhen) & educational foundation in US (Princeton) • trains others to tutor SAT Prep • trains Science peer-tutors @ colleges...

Osseo 54758 · $40/hour · teaches ADHD - Dyslexia
Stout University, Vocational Rehabilit My life experience proves that all things are possible with faith, persistence and a desire to be more than anyone thought possible. I want to give back to students what I've...

Brooklyn 11205 · $65/hour · teaches Grammar - English - Literature
I have tutored for private ESL Institutes and have taught at the ESL Institute which is part of CUNY system in NYC. I have also had private students. I can tailor my lessons to what the student needs...

Priest River 83856 · $20/hour · teaches Sign Language - Dyslexia - Hard of Hearing
Spokane Community College, undergrad I taught in a language intensive program for students with special needs including autism. I worked as a Para-Professional Educator in a behavioral classroom with up...

Redding 06896 · $150/hour · teaches American History - Writing - Literature - World
After 5 successful years as a NYC high school teacher he got his Masters from NYU and started teaching at Kingsborough Community College. After five years there he moved on to Western CT State University...

Ontario 97914 · $35/hour · teaches Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Dyslexia - Hard of
Oregon College of Education, undergrad BS Elementary Ed, EdD I am a certified teacher who has been employed in public and private school settings for over 30 years.

Douglas 31533 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Reading - Spanish - ESL/ESOL
My youngest child has dyslexia, so I can really sympathize with parents struggling to find someone who can help their child succeed in school. To better help my child and others like her, I am reading books about dyslexia...

Bradenton 34212 · $50/hour · teaches American History - European History - Government &
American University, Political Science Hunter College, Masters I am a recently retired, certified NYC high school teacher. I taught everything from American History, World History, Criminal Law...

Hot Springs National 71913 · $50/hour · teaches Reading - Elementary (K-6th) - Phonics
This method is designed to especially help students with dyslexia, but can aid anyone struggling with reading. Some concepts emphasized are the 44 speech sounds, alphabet, syllable types, syllable division patterns...