Found 16432 elementary math tutors – page 513 of 1644.

Lara H.

Pittsburgh 15217 · $95/hour · teaches Math - Elementary Math -

I have a collective 6 years experience tutoring Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry and lower math, as well as experience in other teaching settings (dance, daycare, etc). I also make a living partially through circus...

 is a certified tutor certified
Arman B.

Marina Del Rey 90292 · $85/hour · teaches Math - SAT Reading - SAT Writing -

I have been tutoring and consulting high school, college, and undergraduate STEM students in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering courses. I also help students prepare for AP, IB, SAT, and GRE exams.

 is a certified tutor certified
Thurman S.

Fort Lee 07024 · $100/hour · teaches SAT Math - Physical Science

Florida Atlantic University, Physics City University of New York, Masters Greetings, my name is Thurman and I am here to help and have you get a passing good grade in all your math...

 is a certified tutor certified
David R.

Bardstown 40004 · $60/hour · teaches Math - GED - ASVAB - ACT Math -

Napier College of Science and Technology, Chemistry and Math Napier College of Science and Technology, Graduate Coursework Jordanhill College of Education, Graduate Coursework If...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shernette D.

Fort Lauderdale 33351 · $50/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary

I have a bachelors degree in elementary education and is certified to teach grades K-6. I also am endorsed to teach English to speakers of other languages. I have also earned a master's degree in Reading education...

 is a certified tutor certified
Vicky L.

Nashua 03060 · $45/hour · teaches Elementary Math

Lancaster Bible College, PA, Elementary Education Walden University, Masters I have been a New Hampshire-certified teacher for fourteen years, with experience in the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.

 is a certified tutor certified
Pam L.

Conifer 80433 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary Science -

I help students fill in gaps they are missing or just not quite getting in math. I love to hear when they say "now I get it!". I have helped students of various ages improve their reading comprehension...

 is a certified tutor certified
Henry B.

South Bend 46613 · $50/hour · teaches SAT Math - GED

Indiana University South Bend, Mathematics Hi, my name is Henry. Native from Honduras and live in South Bend for 7 years now. Graduate from Indiana University with a B.A in Mathematics and minor in Physics.

 is a certified tutor certified
Brian A.

Miami 33146 · $60/hour · teaches Math - Proofreading - Probability - Spelling - ACT

I scored a perfect 800 on SAT Math and received a 5 out of 5 on Advanced Placement Calculus and Statistics. I am double-majoring in Management and Business Analytics. Please consider me for your tutoring experience!

 is a certified tutor certified
Selena C.

Netcong 07857 · $60/hour · teaches SAT Math - Microsoft Project - Project Management

Wilkes University, Mathematics Stevens Institute of Technology, Masters Experienced engineer, project manager, and Microsoft Office expert eager to help with basic to complex problem-solving techniques.

 is a certified tutor certified