Found 15996 elementary reading tutors – page 637 of 1600.

Richard M.

Seattle 98198 · $20/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - Geography - English - Psychology

U of Wisconsin - Madison, International econ U of Denver, MBA U of Wisconsin - Madison, PhD I have been recognized as one of the most patient, caring instructors in the fields in which...

 is a certified tutor certified
Steve S.

Boyds 20841 · $45/hour · teaches Sociology - Political Science

Scored High School Exit Exams (3rd readings!) for Educational Contractor and Computer Literacy Tests. In High School I advanced placed American History and Government. Wyzant MUST obtain "a valid form of payment"...

 is a certified tutor certified
Larry M.

Lombard 60148 · $60/hour · teaches ACT Math - Elementary Math - Discrete Math -

For elementary students, I often teach them finger multiplication. For middle school students, I often show them how to multiply without using the multiplication tables. For older students, I have a "tool bag" of...

 is a certified tutor certified
ChihSin H.

West Sacramento 95691 · $35/hour · teaches Physical Science - Elementary Math - Chinese

University of Pittsburgh, Math University of Pittsburgh, Masters I have been working as a Substitute Teacher for a while. I teach Math and Science classes in middle school and high school.

 is a certified tutor certified
Larry B.

Houston 77031 · $35/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - ESL/ESOL - TOEFL

MS International Forestry, Masters Agricultural Education, PhD I have been in adult education at the university level for the past 12 years. I taught introductory courses in critical thinking...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sascha C.

Cambridge 02139 · $115/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Government &

Language arts and social sciences are my areas of expertise, including vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. I also enjoy helping students who are applying to graduate and professional programs with their...

 is a certified tutor certified
Carol R.

Pompano Beach 33062 · $70/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Proofreading -

I know what admissions officials and/or prospective employers want to read. Because I taught primarily high school Honors English, I know what students need to know to do well on the ACT and SAT English and Reading...

 is a certified tutor certified
Stan S.

Port Jefferson Station 11776 · $47/hour · teaches Trigonometry - Elementary Math -

My mother was an elementary school teacher for her entire career and my older brother became a teacher while serving in the military. I have 2 children who have become teachers in public schools.

 is a certified tutor certified
Satawart U.

Cleveland 44106 · $35/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Elementary Science -

University of Virginia, Biology Neuroscience Ever since I can remember, I've been passionate about learning and sharing the knowledge I gained with others. As a graduate of the University of Virginia (Class of 2015)...

 is a certified tutor certified
William P.

Saint Paul 55108 · $60/hour · teaches LSAT - GRE - Law - GMAT

...logical reasoning traps and reading comprehension shortcuts to get you through the test so you can go on to more important things. I have taught test prep for 20 years including the GRE (entry into graduate...

 is a certified tutor certified