Found 3520 engineering tutors – page 218 of 352.

Michelle L. · Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

Canton 48187 · $50/hour · teaches ACT, PSAT, SAT I, ACT English, ACT Science, ACT Math

Michelle Leach specializes in ACT and SAT test prep. She is a true expert. Contact Michelle through the form on your left to ace your ACT and SAT tests.

member for 6 years and 12 months
Pisai M. · Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Secunderabad 500047 · $10/hour · teaches Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Basics

I am a student at IIT Khargpur. Presently I have completed my 4 semesters Lets learn together.

member for 6 years and 11 months
None · Bachelor in Chemical Engineering

Westerville 43081 · $80/hour · teaches ACT, ADD-ADHD, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 11 months
Mariam S.

Whitehall 18052 · $15/hour · teaches Engineering, Calculus, Calligraphy, Communications

I have done my Masters in Communication and Information Systems and Bachelors in Electronics Engineering. I have worked two years in neuroimaging and Neurospectroscopy lab in the capacity of R&D Scientist.

member for 6 years and 10 months
Ashwani K.

Wilmington 19810 · $30/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geography, Geometry

Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honors. Is your child sick of mathematics? Are they frustrated and don't want to go to school? Now is the time to turn it around and excel. Send them to a tutor with 40 years of...

member for 6 years and 4 months
Fathimathul Z. · Bachelor in Engineering

New Delhi 110001 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Biology, Calculus

Fathimathul Zuweriya specializes in higher math such as Calculus, Differential Equations, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, and Probability. She is an online tutor.

member for 6 years and 3 months
Christopher J. · High School in Engineering

Chicago 60634 · $15/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Biology, Chemistry

A in high school for Math, English, Geography, History GPA: 3.99 ACT score: 29 Math: 30 English: 29 A in English 101 I am a diligent student and am good at many different subjects.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 1 month
Godson B. · High School in Computer Engineering

Boston 02129 · $20/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Applied Math, Biology

Godson specializes in computers (C#, C++, Internet, JAVA, JavaScript, Linux, Math, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, Ubuntu, Coding, Android.)

member for 6 years and 1 month
Eric E. · MBA in Finance

Bethesda 20814 · $50/hour · teaches Electrical Engineering, Finance, Football, GRE

I received an MBA from NYU and had a lengthy and successful career on Wall Street. I also received undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees from The George Washington University and Virginia Tech, respectively.

member for 5 years and 9 months
Shikhar A. · Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

New Delhi 110001 · $10/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus

Ranked 549 out of 1.3 million candidates appeared for IIT-JEE exam, one amongst the world's hardest examination I teach mathematics giving importance to very basic concepts first then moving to challanging...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 5 years and 8 months